Meghan McCain wants everyone to know what she thinks of Chris Cuomo and, on November 30, she penned a scathing essay calling for the anchor's termination.
As you likely recall, former President Donald Trump announced he had COVID-19 on October 2, 2020, just days after his debate with Joe Biden on September 29.
CNN has officially confirmed the fate of Chris Cuomo, host of 'Cuomo Prime Time,' amid his involvement with his brother Andrew Cuomo's sexual assault case.
Melania Trump has a story before and after the White House. Let's take a look at her life from childhood to becoming a model to being first lady and beyond.
In February, Trump called the Kentucky senator an "unsmiling political hack" and suggested throwing McConnell out of office. So what's really going on?
Sometimes, despite their promise to serve their constituents, politicians are the worst scammers of them all. Case in point: the 12 politicians on this list.
Donald Trump Jr. is no stranger to saying exactly what's on his mind, even if it means going after one of the most popular athletes of the time: Lebron James.
Here's what we learned about how Donald Trump behaved during intelligence briefings behind closed doors and how this impacted his relationship with the CIA.
While Trump feels very confident about becoming the Republican party's nominee in 2024, there might be one person that is standing in his way: Chris Christie.
Eric Trump appears to be in the middle of a Twitter feud. Here's what Donald Trump's son claims and why users are coming at him with accusations and receipts.
If you think Michael Cohen's previous claims were wild, wait until you find out the reason Cohen thinks Ivanka, Don Jr., and Eric Trump will be indicted soon.
The late-night circuit -- specifically Stephen Colbert -- had a field day with Michael Cohen's revelation about the Trumps. Here's what Colbert said about Eric.