Kellyanne Conway shared she'll leave her job at the end of August 2020, as she and her husband focus on family. But is there more to the story? Let's find out.
Former First Lady Michelle Obama launched a podcast on Spotify in July 2020. Although the first episode was a sweet convo with President Barack Obama, aka Michelle's husband, the Aug. 5, 2020 episode was more serious. As it turns out, Michelle has struggled with depression during quarantine.
Donald Trump has five children, but there's only one he calls "Daddy's little girl." This is the truth about Ivanka Trump's relationship with her father.
Actor and activist Tyler Merritt speaks about the videos he's made to bring awareness to police brutality in America as the nation grieves George Floyd.
Michelle Obama knows that plenty of followers deem her relationship with former President Barack Obama #relationshipgoals, but the former first lady has opened up about lessons learned in marriage counseling.
Former first lady Michelle Obama has been married to America's 44th president, Barack Obama, since 1992, and she has called him her "person." However, Michelle did find love with other men before getting hitched to Barack, and the revelations she made about these paramours might surprise her fans.
Here's everything we know about where Michelle Obama grew up, who her parents were, how she was educated as a child to prepare her for the very public life she has today.
Former first lady Michelle Obama has never shied away from discussing vulnerable topics, as she has opened up about everything from issues in her marriage to the pain of her daughters, Sasha and Malia Obama, leaving for college. And in 2018, she bravely shared the story of her fertility struggles.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo was already a prominent politician before the novel coronavirus pandemic and scandal thrust him into the national spotlight.
For those of us glued to the news as updates come in on the spread of the coronavirus, Dr. Anthony Fauci is quickly becoming a familiar face in the American living room -- one that seems to bring comfort and reassurance not only to the American people, but to the president himself.
Wealthy beau, Georgetown law degree, and socialite-worthy Instagram feed? Tiffany really is a Trump! But just who is Tiffany Trump's husband, Michael Boulos?
Bernie Sanders is among the oldest politicians to ever run for president of the United States, but before his revolutionary politics made him a household name, he was turning heads for other reasons. In fact, the Vermont senator was an absolute hunk when he was young.
After Vice President Joe Biden secured more delegates than Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders on Super Tuesday, Whoopi Goldberg floated a wild pick for his VP in case he secures the Democratic presidential nomination. The suggestion raised a few eyebrows, to say the least.
2020 presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders has had a wild run in the political arena, to put it mildly. But if you think the Vermont senator's life is full of highs and lows and drama, just wait until you learn the untold truth of his son, Levi Sanders.
On the campaign trail, Vermont senator and 2020 presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders is quick to introduce his wife. Jane Sanders is his loyal advocate and advisor, partner of nearly 30 years, and much more. Let's brush up on your debate prep as we discuss the untold truth of Bernie Sanders' wife.
Now that Malia and Sasha Obama are off at college—Harvard University and the University of Michigan respectively—Michelle no longer follows them on the 'gram.
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is among the poorest of the candidates running for the White House in 2020, yet he's still a millionaire. In fact, his last run for the White House helped him earn a fortune. We can explain.
No matter how you feel about former President Donald Trump. it's undeniable that the man has lived a grand and colorful life with many disparate chapters.
It's safe to say that Melania Trump leads a lavish life. But was she always loaded? Here's what the former first lady was worth before marrying Donald Trump.
We've all wished for our own Prince Charming — someone to swoop in and carry us straight out of our own lives when the going gets tough. Some stars have managed to find exactly that ... by dating financially well-off characters. Here are some lucky celebs who have insanely rich boyfriends.
99 percent of the world had no idea Donald Trump had a daughter other than Ivanka until he became a presidential candidate in 2016. Tiffany, his daughter with ex-wife Marla Maples, flew under the radar for most of her life, so let's take a look inside Donald Trump's relationship with Tiffany Trump.
Becoming a first-time parent isn't easy, but doing it as teenager? That sort of pressure is incomparable. Here are some celebrities with really young parents.
Clueless star Stacey Dash has found herself behind bars for alleged domestic violence following a reported incident involving her lawyer husband, Jeff Marty.