"Two and a Half Men" creator Chuck Lorre married his third wife, Arielle Mandelson, in 2018. Now, the sitcom king reportedly has some sad relationship news.
Ivana Trump was unexpectedly found dead in her Manhattan home on July 14. But according to those who saw her in her final hours, her health was clearly failing.
It's not as if Chris Brown needs a little side hustle to subsidize his income and help pay the bills, but the singer's latest money grab has fans in disbelief.
Why's there suddenly a fast-spreading rumor that Florence Pugh and Olivia Wilde are on the outs? Here's what's going on with the "Don't Worry Darling" stars.
Despite the Amber Heard and Johnny Depp defamation trial ending in June, the case is far from over, as Depp just threw another wrench into Heard's legal woes.
Twitter was full of speculation about the somewhat suspicious timing in which Vince McMahon announced his retirement from WWE. Here's what they're saying.
Ivana's death caused a great deal of dark speculation on social media, while reports on her funeral painted a bleak picture of the way she was memorialized.