These sports stars damaged their careers and personal lives in the blink of an eye with behavior like doping, dogfighting, bad sportsmanship, even murder.
Megyn Kelly is well known for her high-profile roles with NBC News and Fox News, but how much do you really know about this correspondent's personal life?
Hooters is known for its wings, beer, and curvaceous waitresses. Some stars even got their start wearing those iconic owl tank tops. Whoo? We'll tell you.
These stars all had the misfortune of starring in a critical and/or commercial bomb, then followed them up with a long absence from the entertainment industry.
Justin Timberlake is one of Hollywood's most beloved entertainers, but he also may be super shady. Here are the times JT has been out of sync with the public.
From substance abuse to grueling workouts, fatherhood to trouble in the hood, and beards to Botox -- we've done some digging, and we're here to spit the truth about why Eminem looks so different now.