Sometimes, love really is all you need. These are celebrity couples who planned to end things but called off their divorce and stayed together instead.
This is a look inside Naomi Judd's life before she passed away. The country music legend had been going strong with her music, and her fans and family miss her.
Ireland Baldwin, daughter of Kim Basinger and Alec Baldwin, has never been one to hold back on social media. She has revealed the awful things her exes said.
While Johnny Depp has certainly had his ups along the way, he's also had a lot of downs. These are tragic details about the movie star's life and career.
Perhaps better known for her explosive divorce from Johnny Depp than her onscreen work, chances are you've seen Amber Heard act before but didn't realize it.
In an exclusive interview with Nicki Swift, Sofia Reyes talks her collaboration with Tostitos, her new album, what she wants to achieve in 2022, and more.
Amber Heard and Johnny Depp's tumultuous relationship has been in the media for years, but their defamation trial has revealed its own incredible moments.
Amanda Peet was a staple of the big screen in the early aughts, but lately has seemed to disappear from the spotlight, though she hasn't gone away completely.
Since their contentious 2016 divorce, many celebrities have spoken up in support of Johnny Depp and spoken out against Amber Heard. These are all those celebs.
TLC has chronicled hundreds of real-life people. Sadly, there have been several reality stars who have died since appearing on one of these fan-favorite shows.