Shreya Mali

Photo of Shreya Mali
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
MKS College
Relationships, Psychology, Skincare Tips
  • When Shreya went looking for advice on how to best care for her wavy hair, she found lots of conflicting information — like brushing it isn't the best idea and it should be detangled when it's dry — which caused her a whole lot of pain and not-so-great looking hair. Due to her experiences, she strives to provide simple and reliable information to people like her.
  • Whenever a new skincare or beauty trend emerges, she just has to try it out for herself to see if it's worth the hype. Some of her all-time favorites are skin barrier care, a minimalistic no-makeup makeup look, and skin kindness.
  • Shreya is passionate about helping people navigate through tough situations in their relationships and otherwise, so she incorporates her personal experiences along with expert advice that's helped her find peace.


Shreya has four years of experience as a professional writer. She began her career as a product and shopping writer for BuzzFeed India in 2019. While there, she also dabbled in pop culture and lifestyle articles and quizzes. She worked there for two years before deciding to set out as a full-time freelance writer in 2022.


Shreya has a bachelor's in mass media, which has given her the expertise to write proficiently across a variety of mediums. She graduated at the top of the class and received the gold medal for academic excellence.
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Stories By Shreya Mali