
Photo of Ribhu
Bengaluru, India
Popular Culture, Health, Royals, Politics, Breaking News
  • Ribhu has covered popular culture and gossip with Static Media and other brands in recent years, breaking news and writing stories catered to a large audience.
  • He has been covering health for Static Media. He has also written about health for major publications in the past, and has also run a health weekly newsletter.
  • He has actively read about the royals and has written about them for Static Media.


Ribhu is a freelance journalist, writer, and published poet who covers popular culture and health for Nicki Swift and Health Digest. He's been in the industry for over five years and has written and edited for other magazines and publications such as OK!, Earth Island Journal, and Scroll, among others. He's also run a health weekly newsletter. Ribhu likes running, cooking, reading, and just lazing around on cool grass in his free time.


Ribhu earned a BA, focusing on topics like English Literature, Journalism and Creative Writing, and Psychology.
Nicki Swift Editorial Policies

Nicki Swift covers celebrity and entertainment news by way of an expert group of editorial professionals. We drive the conversation on everything from trending Hollywood news to star transformations, always striving to deliver the most compelling commentary, bolstered by quality expert opinions.

As we cover a wide breadth of pop culture, we're constantly reviewing, fact-checking, and updating stories to ensure they're accurate and current. Additional information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Ribhu