Miranda Feinberg

Photo of Miranda Feinberg
Los Angeles, CA
Tufts University
Celebrity Relationships, Filmmakers & Actors, Gen Z Celebs
  • Since becoming the features lead editor at Nicki Swift, Miranda has taken her celebrity knowledge to the next level—she knows all the drama going on in Hollywood before anyone else.
  • Miranda is a total film nerd obsessed with all things movies & movie news. Watch any movie (or TV show) with her, and she'll tell you who all the actors are, what else the director and writers have worked on, and other random facts about the cast, crew, and general making of the project. (Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, anyone?)
  • Celebrity news is her bread and butter — she thinks she might be hopelessly obsessed with gossip and memes about her favorite actors, Twitter (sorry, she means X), artists, filmmakers, musicians, and pop culture events.


Miranda has focused on writing, editing, and film & media all throughout her academic experience. At Tufts University, she was the managing editor of Melisma Magazine, as well as an arts writer and copy editor for The Tufts Daily. For Melisma, she wrote concert reviews and music features and also wrote film and television reviews for The Daily. In college, she also fell in love with writing fiction and qualified to write a feature-length screenplay as her senior honors thesis, for which she was awarded high thesis honors. Miranda is also interested in film production and has worked on various film sets in various roles, including script supervisor, assistant director, and many, many stints as a production assistant.


Miranda graduated from Tufts University with a double B.A. in English and in film & media studies.
Nicki Swift Editorial Policies

Nicki Swift covers celebrity and entertainment news by way of an expert group of editorial professionals. We drive the conversation on everything from trending Hollywood news to star transformations, always striving to deliver the most compelling commentary, bolstered by quality expert opinions.

As we cover a wide breadth of pop culture, we're constantly reviewing, fact-checking, and updating stories to ensure they're accurate and current. Additional information on our editorial process available here.