Jana Kramer Seemingly Plants Seeds Of Drama With Jay Cutler And Kristin Cavallari

The drama among Jana Kramer, Jay Cutler, and Kristin Cavallari seemingly still isn't over.

The feud involving the three all started when Kramer, Cavallari's friend, started dating Cutler, her ex-husband. Kramer and Cutler were spotted hanging out in public multiple times, which Cavallari apparently did not appreciate, prompting her to block Kramer on social media. "Jana and Jay did go out on a date in Nashville," a source told Entertainment Tonight in September 2021. "Kristin believed that her and Jana were friends and has blocked Jana on Instagram in response to this happening. Kristin is moving on and doing her own thing."

What's interesting is that Cutler supposedly only decided to go out with Kramer to make Cavallari jealous. "Jay was trying to make Kristin jealous by going on this public date with Jana. He's not happy she's dating Chase and has been trying to get Kristin back," a source shared with People at the time. Cutler and Kramer's affair didn't last long, and Cavallari apparently saw it coming. "Kristin knew from the beginning that Jay was not seriously interested in Jana," another insider told Entertainment Tonight. "She is happy and doing her own thing. She isn't caught up in who Jay is dating, but she did think it was shady of Jana to go out with Jay."

The drama appeared to fizzle out after that, until recently, when Kramer reignited it all.

Jana Kramer claims she named Jay Cutler's beer company

Jana Kramer has some ill feelings toward Jay Cutler, and it's because he apparently did not give her some credit when he launched his beer company, which she claims she named. In her "Whine Down" podcast, she said that she did not even get a simple "thank you."

"When this person and I were hanging out, I named his beer company... I have proof," Kramer dished, adding that Cutler had gotten mad at Kristin Cavallari when he did not receive compensation for helping name her jewelry brand. "This person also got very angry that he named someone else's business and wasn't getting compensated." Kramer also claimed that she "gave the whole, like, what it stands for, how you should promote it," but he never thanked her. She isn't after compensation, though. "My thing is, like, 'Then why were you so upset about the other person's business that you named?' So it's a little bit of hypocrisy on his side."

Cavallari and Cutler have not addressed the issue, but Kramer was right about them fighting over ownership of Uncommon James, per Us Weekly. Cavallari, however, no longer wants to be involved with anything involving her ex. "The scariest thing that I've ever done is get a divorce," she said on the "The School of Greatness" podcast. "But it's been the best thing that I've ever done and that has really jumpstarted my journey on self-love and figuring out who I am now."