Lynne Spears Draws Firm Boundary In Fractured Relationship With Britney

Lynne Spears has something to say about her daughter's since-deleted audio clip. On August 28, Britney Spears shared a 22-minute audio message on YouTube, which spilled more details about her years-long conservatorship. While the clip has since been made private, it was also cross-posted to her Twitter account, proving its legitimacy. In the video, Britney revealed that she'd been offered sit-down interviews by the likes of Oprah Winfrey to tell her story, but she declined them all because, to her, what happened deserves something "beyond a sit-down, proper interview," per Variety.

The "Toxic" singer went on to claim that her conservatorship was "premeditated" and her parents banded together to set it up. "A woman introduced the idea to my dad, and my mom actually helped him follow through and made it all happen," she divulged. Britney said that it was all a "setup" and "pure abuse" because, at the time, she had no traces of alcohol or drugs in her system. "They made me feel like nothing," she added. "How did they get away with it? And what the f*** did I do to deserve it?"

Much of what Britney revealed in the message was reminiscent of what she told the court during her conservatorship trial. And now, shortly after the clip was posted and subsequently deleted, Britney's mom has offered a response, asking the star to talk in private.

Lynne Spears wants to settle things with Britney privately

Just like Britney Spears, Lynne Spears also took to social media to send a message to her daughter. On Instagram, Lynne shared a photo of them together and penned a letter of love and support for the singer.

"Britney, your whole life I have tried my best to support your dreams and wishes! And also, I have tried my best to help you out of hardships!" Lynne wrote, adding that she will "never and will never turn my back on you!" She even revealed that she had been rejected by the singer "countless times" whenever she calls and flies out, leading to her feeling "hopeless." And despite "trying everything," she still loves her daughter "very much." She concluded the post by pleading with Britney to perhaps stop airing out their dirty laundry and talk privately instead. "This talk is for you and me only, eye to eye, in private," she wrote.

Britney has yet to respond to her mom, but this isn't the first time that Lynne has expressed public support for her daughter. In July, when Britney posted texts from Lynne during her stay at a mental health facility and claimed that she was "abused," Lynne retaliated by sending words of comfort instead. "I hurt for you that you feel the people who love you the most betrayed you!" she wrote on her Instagram Story at the time (via Us Weekly). "Let me come to you! I love you!"