Why We're Worried About The Future Of Sophia Grace And Rosie

Sophia Grace and Rosie are the adorable kid cousins whose big break came when they nailed a cover of Nicki Minaj's "Super Bass" on The Ellen DeGeneres Show in 2011. They went viral, became regulars on the talk show, and are now a popular part of the press corps on red carpets. The pair is like a pint-sized, G-rated Joan and Melissa Rivers. Their endearing British accents and childhood innocence make celebrities want to talk to them. Though this duo is sincerely delightful, we're worried about their futures.

What happens when they're old enough to ridicule?

At this point, you've got to be a real sourpuss to make fun of Sophia Grace and Rosie. The hoopla that surrounds these two has been wholesome and light; nothing like the spectacle of other reality star munchkins (e.g. Toddlers & Tiaras.) The latter feels like rubbernecking. The former gives us warm fuzzies. Sophia Grace and Rosie, who will turn 14 and 11 respectively in 2017, behave like age-appropriate Disney princesses. They're outgoing but polite, privileged yet grateful, and when they say wickedly clever things in those darling British accents, their jabber seems uncoached. Bottom line: if you've got a problem with them, you've got the problem.

But there will come a day in the not so distant future when the little ladies will become fair game for the fashion police, the romance trolls, and the weight watchers. The meme machine will activate, and it will show no mercy. YouTube already airs nasty mockumentaries about the girls as grownups (like the one pictured here). The worst is yet to come.

From super fans to super freaks

When you're a kid, you can idolize and imitate your favorite pop stars, and they might actually ask to meet you. Only children can screech celebs' names, cling to their designer gowns, or ask pointed questions about crushes. When you're an adult, that kind of obsession will earn you a restraining order, or maybe a job with TMZ.

During red carpet interviews, Sophia Grace and Rosie have convinced Adam Levine to wear a tiara, accepted custom chains from LL Cool J, glimpsed James Durbin's knickers, and even convinced model Gigi Hadid to gorge on a Skittle. At award shows, it's the celebrities who clamor to meet them. "This is the best interview...like, by far," said Carrie Underwood at the 2015 American Music Awards. Meghan Trainor agreed. "I'm your biggest fan ever," she gushed. "Can we take selfies?" At the 2012 Grammy Awards, Rosie told Rihanna she was her favorite celeb. "But you're my favorite, so how does that work?" Rihanna said, going in for a hug. (Are you seeing this, Ryan Seacrest? You better get yourself a pink tutu and a Bedazzler.)

But the clock is ticking on this magic window of cooing and coddling. As the girls age, their overzealous karaoke act will shift from precious to pathetic. Can this grown-up duo remain earnest, fun, and likable to the A-list?


During the tumultuous teenage years, youngsters strive to develop a sense of self and gain perspective on their place in the world. They also contend with the end results of their genetic blueprints. It's a messy, awkward, emotional process, and for child celebrities, it can be dangerously skewed. As red carpet regulars, Sophia Grace and Rosie are soaking up a glitzy scene that worships hair, makeup, cleavage and camera flashes.

There's something disconcerting about watching prepubescent kids interview half-naked stars. As Sophia Grace and Rosie hit puberty, how will the superficial pressures of Hollywood affect their self esteem? What if they morph into self-absorbed, Kardashianesque caricatures? Will they recognize there's more to life—more to them—than tutus and tiaras?

Conscious uncoupling

In their first brush with fame, Nicki Minaj called Rosie a "hype girl," which was a really polite way to describe her sidekick status to Sophia Grace. The latter is the bombastic singer, dancer, and vlogger, but until recently, the former rarely spoke, much less performed. That dynamic has been a non-issue to date, but as the girls mature, their personalities are destined to evolve. What if Rosie tires of playing second fiddle? Will Sophia Grace have a hard time sharing the spotlight?

The duo is currently building a marketing empire that includes original movies, books, and dolls (The Sophia Grace doll sings "Super Bass" when you squeeze its belly. The Rosie doll just stands there.) The whole thing feels a bit like the Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen enterprise, but keep in mind that Sophia Grace and Rosie aren't twin sisters. They're cousins, meaning even if the little girls remain inseparable, two sets of parents are steering this ship. Will they keep the band together or politely part ways? Breakup rumors began circulating in 2015 after Sophia Grace released an original music video called "Best Friends" that did not include Rosie among its bed-jumping, Kmart-shopping, cat-walking squad of preteens.

Keeping the train on the tracks

Even if Sophia Grace and Rosie breeze through puberty sans pimples and braces, how will they fare as young adults? This could play out in several disturbing ways, which we've broken down into categories with case studies. (You're welcome.)

The meltdown: pop princess Britney Spears hit the skids in 2007 when she checked out of rehab, shaved her head, and raged against the paparazzi using an umbrella as a battering ram.

The gross-out: the Miley Cyrus that was Disney's squeaky clean Hannah Montana became a nearly nude circus sideshow specializing in smoking pot, twerking, smoking pot, sticking her tongue out, and, um, smoking pot.

The mug shot: Lindsay Lohan was a child sensation who dazzled fans and critics with leading roles in The Parent Trap (1998), Freaky Friday (2003), and Mean Girls (2004). Though she's been in front of a camera since age three, her more recent work includes half a dozen mugshots.

The shapeshifter: by age 23, The Hills reality star Heidi Montag confirmed ten plastic surgeries, transforming her perfectly healthy body into a synthetic Barbie bot.

Thankfully, not every child star derails as an adult. Just look at Taylor Swift, Justin Timberlake, and Natalie Portman. Psychologists say the big people that surround famous little people play an integral role in a positive transition. "If the parents are able to keep every other aspect of the child's life controlled and normal and there are continued boundaries and rules, those are the kids that do well," Child Psychologist Dr. Ginger Clark told USA Today in 2013.

So far, Sophia Grace and Rosie appear to be living fairly "normal" lives that include going to school, and their parents have shown discretion during star-studded events. For example, the girls were allowed backstage at the MTV Movie Awards in 2013, but their parents did not allow them to watch the show because, as Rosie explained to Ellen, "it might be not for kids because it might be a little rude." The girls are fortunate to have DeGeneres as their pseudo manager because she's as grounded as they come. We're crossing our fingers this pair's enthusiasm and charm stays the course.

Are their 15 minutes of fame already over?

A few years ago, it seemed you couldn't go a day without hearing about or watching a video starring Sophia Grace and Rosie, but these days, we barely hear from them. Such is the fickle, awful truth of Hollywood's 15 minutes of fame, which often tends to tick down faster than Usain Bolt at the Olympics. On the one hand, that's probably good for the youngsters, who can benefit from the chance to grow up outside the bright lights of Hollywood; on the other, if they're looking to actually make it in La La Land, the fact that people appear to have lost a bit of interest in them doesn't bode well for their chances at longevity.

The internet is written in ink

They may be loving all the fame and fortune right now, but who knows how Sophia Grace and Rosie will feel about their red-carpet antics and Nicki Minaj freestyles when they're, you know, adults? If they decide they want to move away from the spotlight, they may have a difficult time escaping because their videos will likely live on forever in the land of YouTube and Google. In other words: while they found fame quickly, it'll take a long time to get people to forget about those tea parties.