Tiger Woods Pleads Guilty To Reckless Driving Following May DUI Arrest

The famous golfer has moved forward with his court case.

According to E! News, Tiger Woods pleaded guilty to reckless driving on Friday, Oct. 27, 2017. He's also reportedly agreed to enter a diversion program, as per the details of her plea agreement.

As Nicki Swift previously reported, Woods was arrested in Jupiter, Fla. in late May 2017, after the athlete was spotted "driving erratically" by police. After news of his arrest broke, Woods, 41, publicly denied having had any alcohol in his system while driving. However, it was later found that he'd taken a dangerous combination of prescription drugs, including Xanax and Vicodin.

In July, Woods completed an "intensive program" for help managing his various prescriptions.

"Recently, I had been trying on my own to treat my back pain and a sleep disorder, including insomnia, but I realize now it was a mistake to do this without medical assistance," Woods later said in a statement. "I am continuing to work with my doctors, and they feel I've made significant progress. I remain grateful for the amazing support that I continue to receive and for the family and friends that are assisting me."

A month later, Woods' attorney pleaded not guilty on his behalf, as part of a plea deal regarding his previous arrest. In exchange for the DUI arrest to be removed from his record, Woods reportedly agreed to plead guilty to the second-degree misdemeanor of reckless driving and to start a diversion program in late October. 

E! News notes that Woods, in accordance to his plea deal, will "spend a year on probation, attend DUI school within a month, perform 20 hours of community service, attend a workshop where victims of impaired drivers discuss how their lives were damaged and pay a $250 fine within six months as well as court costs and make an additional $250 donation to Palm Beach County Victim Services."

If Woods violates the terms of his probation, the golfer could potentially face a 90-day stay in jail as well as a fee of upwards of $500.

While we wait to hear more about Woods, catch up on the shady side of the once-beloved golf pro.