What's The Real Meaning Of Diamonds By Amanda Bynes? Here's What We Think

The news keeps getting better and better for former child star Amanda Bynes. After a few very rough years, Bynes was officially released from her conservatorship in 2022. Bynes' parents gained financial and physical control over her in 2013 after she was involuntarily committed to a psychiatric hospital following a series of increasingly bizarre incidents ,which culminated in her lighting her parent's driveway on fire, per CBS.

Bynes released a statement after news of the judge's decision broke. "Following today's decision by the judge to terminate my conservatorship, I would like to thank my fans for their love and well wishes during this time," she said, per People. "I would also like to thank my lawyer and my parents for their support over the last nine years." Bynes added that she's looking forward to "living and working independently." Bynes also stated that she had some exciting work lined up, including an upcoming fragrance line.

So, what's on the horizon for Amanda Bynes besides a new fragrance? We aren't sure about her projects, but we are sure that no one would have guessed she'd release a rap song — which is exactly what she just did.

Amanda Bynes' new song highlights her entrepreneurial side

Amanda Bynes shocked her fans when she and her fiance Paul Michael dropped a short rap song, "Diamonds," on April 13. Michael raps a few verses, and then Bynes comes in with the chorus: "Diamonds, diamonds, diamonds on my neck, on my wrist," continuing, "Diamonds, diamonds, diamonds on my fist. Yeah, I whip."

So, what's it all about? If you were hoping for a few insights into Bynes' hectic life or her struggles while under conservatorship, this isn't it. "Diamonds" is simply about working hard and hustling in Hollywood. That checks out for Bynes, who worked consistently from early childhood into her mid-20s. "Amanda is very entrepreneurial," David Esquibias, Bynes' attorney, told People when she dropped the teaser. "Amanda is creative and playful. She had a lot of fun recording 'Diamonds' during the first shutdown of the pandemic," Esquibias added when Bynes eventually released the song.

On top of all her entrepreneurial pursuits, Bynes' personal life is also keeping her busy. According to her attorney, she's been on the hunt for chic, new furniture, as she's about to move in with her fiance. Besides being a creative partner, Michael has also been a stabilizing force in her life. "We take good care of each other," Michael told E! News back in December 2020. "She is the best thing that ever happened to me."