Everything We Know About Michael Madsen's Arrest

It may be hard to believe, but countless celebrities have been in trouble with the law. In fact, there is a whole slew of A-listers you never knew were arrested. While some were taken into custody for valiant causes, like protesting in support of others' rights, some have faced serious criminal prosecution and been sentenced to jail time. There's also a whole host of celebs who have launched a million memes with their viral mugshots. However, when these run-ins with the law appear to be calls for help, they're anything but a laughing matter. Amanda Bynes' and Lindsay Lohan's very public struggles with addiction are one such example, as was the headline-making unraveling of Justin Bieber back in 2014. Another, more recent, example is Michael Madsen's latest arrest (his third), which comes just weeks after the actor was rocked by tragedy.

Back in January, Madsen was dealt a devastating blow when his son, Hudson Madsen, died tragically. The 26-year-old, who is believed to be Quentin Tarantino's godson, died of "suspected suicide" in Hawaii. A spokeswoman for the Department of the Medical Examiner in Honolulu confirmed to The U.S. Sun that he "died by a gunshot wound to the head [...] on the island of Oahu." Opening up about the loss, Madsen told Metro he and his family were "​​heartbroken and overwhelmed with grief and pain." Now, just a month later, the 64-year-old has been caught looking "disheveled" and breaking the law.

If you or anyone you know is having suicidal thoughts, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline​ at​ 1-800-273-TALK (8255)​.

Michael Madsen arrested in Malibu

Michael Madsen was arrested at his California home on February 23 after reportedly being caught trespassing on an unnamed Malibu property. According to The Sun, three police cars arrived at the actor's home around 9:30 pm and images show him being escorted to one of the vehicles by an officer. The "Kill Bill" star's hands are visibly handcuffed behind his back. 

The Daily Mail spoke with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, which confirmed that Madsen was indeed arrested for "trespassing" and that the property's owner tried to make a citizen's arrest before calling cops and telling them he wanted to press charges against Madsen. In the end, police took the "Reservoir Dogs" star to West Hills Hospital where he spent two hours before being transferred to a police station. There, he was hit with a $500 "citation for a misdemeanor." By the time he was released, it was nearly 7 a.m. the following day.

This wasn't Madsen's first run-in with the law. Back in 2012, he was arrested for DUI and sentenced to 30 days of rehab, per the Los Angeles Times. In 2019, he was again arrested for DUI, this time after causing a crash in Malibu. Following this second offense, he was sentenced to four days of jail time and five years of probation.