The Cosmetic Procedure Cameron Diaz Says She'll Never Get Again

A-list celebrity Cameron Diaz is no shrinking violet — especially when it comes to things that she doesn't want to do.

"I couldn't imagine, being a mom now, where I'm at as a mother with my child at her first year, to have to be on a movie set that takes 14 hours, 16 hours of my day away from my child. I just couldn't," she adamantly told SiriusXM host Bruce Bozzi during an appearance on "Quarantined with Bruce" (via E! News) in February 2021. "I wouldn't have been the mom that I am now had I chosen to do that at any other time in my life," she continued about her choice to put her acting career on hold while her daughter, Raddix, is young.

Alas, there's one more thing Diaz is adamant she won't ever do again... and it just might send your local plastic surgeon into a tailspin.

Cameron Diaz is not a fan of Botox

"Charlie's Angels" actor Cameron Diaz just says no to Botox.

In January 2014, Diaz spoke candidly with Entertainment Tonight about her less than stellar personal experience with the cosmetic procedure. "I've tried [Botox] before, where it was like [a] little tiny touch of something. It changed my face in such a weird way that I was like, 'No, I don't want to [be] like [that]' ... I'd rather see my face aging than a face that doesn't belong to me at all," she declared. Fortunately, for Diaz, she doesn't mind a little movement in her mug. "I love it, I don't mind. It's like, 'Guess what this means, I've smiled my whole life.' I love life. I'm happy I don't have a problem with that," she confessed.

According to Diaz, the societal pressures around aging are one of the reasons she opted to write her books, "The Body Book" and "The Longevity Book." During an interview with the LA Review of Books in 2016, she discussed how she refused to give in to the fear of aging. "And I realized, because I wasn't fearful of it, I wasn't feeling shame about it—but all of a sudden I felt like, when you're told something over and over and over again, you start to consider it in a different way. And I started thinking, 'Wow, should I be scared of this?'" she revealed. "And then I went, 'No, I'm not, because I feel strong," she declared emphatically.

Cameron Diaz is in tune with her well being

As it turns out, Cameron Diaz is far more concerned with how she feels on the inside as opposed to how she looks on the outside.

"Since my mid-30s I've been conscientious about my eating and good nutrition. It's not really something I grew up with. What I really learned about aging was the five pillars of well-being. They're integrated and we need 'em all, " she told Bon Appétit in June 2016. "First and foremost, we need good nutrition, good sleep, good physical activity—and I don't mean just working out a gym for two hours then sitting for eight. We need constant movement, periodically, throughout the day. Then we need to learn how to release stress. We also need to find a connection or purpose with the community around us," she explained.

Hey, maybe Diaz is on to something. Perhaps a good night's rest and a nutritious meal are far more valuable than any injectable or cosmetic procedure out on the market.