The Bizarre Tattoo Howie Mandel Stopped His Daughter From Getting

Howie Mandel chatted with Spice Girls' Melanie "Mel C" Chisholm on December 21 when guest-hosting "The Ellen DeGeneres Show," and somehow, the topic of tattoos came up. The comedian was quick to share that when one of his daughters wanted to get a tattoo (more on that later), he said no, which is an answer many parents probably find relatable. The host did not specify which of his two adults daughters wanted the ink or when the request occurred (we assume in their teenage years), but what is clear? He can laugh about it now.

Of course, Mandel was curious to know Mel C's take on tats, as she has an estimated 11 in total, according to Music News. The pop singer admitted that she has a "love-hate relationship" with them, even though many "tell stories" that are tied to experiences in her life. But as a mom? Let's just say she sides with Mandel. "Now I understand my parents when I first talked to them about me getting tattoos, because my dad was so against the idea," she admitted. "Now I see my daughter — and obviously you have a child and they're so unblemished, they're perfect — and I said, 'Don't you dare put anything on your skin.'" Mel C welcomed Scarlet in 2009.

We can't say for certain, but we have a feeling Mel C wouldn't want Scarlet getting any tattoo ideas from Mandel's daughter, as the one she once wanted to get is pretty out there!

Howie Mandel's daughter has a sense of humor

So what tattoo did one of Howie Mandel's daughters want once upon a time? "She wanted a tattoo of a camel on her toe," Mandel shared. Mel and the "Degeneres" audience gave a huge laugh at the raunchy humor of the desired link, and Mandel had to agree with the reaction. "I said, 'that's a funny joke.'"

Humor is something Mandel shares with his daughters, especially Jackie, with whom he shares a podcast. "It came out of the fact that during the pandemic and we couldn't see each other, we would spend hours on the phone together, me and Jackie," he said during an appearance on Access Daily about the venture's inception. "And we'd be making prank calls and we would be just laughing and being inappropriate and, ya know, pranking her mom and just having fun." He continued, And my wife would walk in and go, 'Who is this for? What is this even for?' And I go 'We're just having fun' and she goes 'record it.'"

If we were to take a bet, we'd say Jackie was behind the camel toe tattoo, but you never know!