What Karlie Kloss Learned After Marrying Into The Kushner Family

Ever since Karlie Kloss married Joshua Kushner, her name has been marred with controversy. Joshua just so happens to be the younger brother of Jared Kushner, wife of Ivanka Trump and a vital member of the Trump administration. Her association with the Trumps has arguably had an adverse effect on her reputation, with some people painting her as having similar views with the infamous family.

The supermodel has previously expressed her frustration about the ripple effects of her marriage to Josh. "It's been hard," Kloss told British Vogue in 2019. "But I choose to focus on the values that I share with my husband, and those are the same liberal values that I was raised with and that have guided me throughout my life."

Kloss also opened the conversation about how she probably wouldn't have met the same criticisms if she was a man. Unfortunately, the fact that she's a woman has made people comfortable to pick her apart. "It's frustrating, to be honest, that the spotlight is always shifted away from my career toward my relationship," she told Vogue. "I don't think the same happens in conversations with men." Now, though, the former Victoria's Secret model has learned a thing or two to steer clear of negativity.

Karlie Kloss has learned to avoid social media after marrying Joshua Kushner

Now that Karlie Kloss has been married to Joshua Kushner for 3 years, she admits that she has learned how to free herself from the criticisms she has been constantly receiving. "I've learned to stay away from the comments section," she told The Wall Street Journal. "I just try and... speak out on things that I am authentically passionate about. I live my life and try to show my values through my actions."

It's important to note that Karlie and Joshua have been together since 2012, long before there were any talks of a possibility of a Trump presidency. And even then, she was never afraid to talk about her political leanings. "I'm sure I'm not the only person in this country who does not necessarily agree with their family on politics," he once said on "Watch What Happens Live" with Andy Cohen. "I voted as a Democrat in 2016 and I plan to do the same in 2020."

Ultimately, though, Kloss is happy with her decision of marrying Josh and she wouldn't have it any other way. "Josh and I share a lot of the same liberal values that guide our lives and the things we stand for," she shared with Vogue. "At the end of the day, I've had to make decisions based on my own moral compass — forget what the public says, forget social media. I've chosen to be with the man I love despite the complications."