The Real Reason Piers Morgan Is So Angry About Dr. Fauci

It's no over exaggeration to say Piers Morgan isn't afraid to hide his true feelings, as the British host and journalist has pretty much made a career out of sharing his unfiltered opinions on various matters (whether we want to hear them or not). One of Morgan's most notable grievances is with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, with the former "America's Got Talent" and "Britain's Got Talent" just repeatedly taking aim at the famous couple in interviews, on social media, and in his Daily Mail blog.

In fact, Morgan's disapproval of the parents of two runs so deep that it caused the star to leave his position on the British morning show "Good Morning Britain" back in March in the wake of the twosome's now infamous interview with Oprah Winfrey. Morgan clashed with his co-host, Susanna Reid, over the tell-all, and then fell out with "Good Morning Britain"'s weatherman, Alex Beresford, with the latter causing him to storm off the set. 

Per BBC, British broadcast regulator Ofcom received more than 40,000 complaints about Morgan, while ITV, the network that airs "GMB," said in a statement, "Following discussions with ITV, Piers Morgan has decided now is the time to leave Good Morning Britain. ITV has accepted this decision and has nothing further to add."

Morgan has now turned his attention more to his Daily Mail column, where he's now raising eyebrows for hitting out at someone who isn't Meghan Markle — for a change. Come on down, Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Piers Morgan slammed Dr. Anthony Fauci

Ouch. Piers Morgan is proving he hasn't lost his touch when it comes to scathing remarks, as he took serious aim at Dr. Anthony Fauci in a lengthy piece published by Daily Mail on November 30. Morgan kicked things off in his typically scathing fashion, voicing his disapproval over Fauci's "self-promotional media interviews."

Morgan went on to focus in on Fauci's CBS' "Face The Nation" interview. He claimed Fauci's comments regarding the Omicron COVID-19 variant on the show should "give every American serious for concern." Not because of the obvious threat of the mutated disease though, but because of what he claimed were Fauci's "outrageously partisan statements." 

Fauci discussed politics and he claimed he felt that he was a scapegoat over the infamous Capital riots and former President Donald Trump's involvement, to which Morgan called out what he claimed was Fauci's "lack of self-awareness," before accusing him of telling "brazen lie[s]" to "the public." 

Morgan clarified he doesn't believe Fauci's "a bad man," but wrote his "arrogant partisan performances" in interviews had "laid bare the inherent weakness of his obsession with going on TV." Morgan signed off his scathing piece, "If... his only interest is in saving lives, then it's time Fauci put his ego away, stayed off TV and shut the f*** up."

Fauci's tong lashing from the controversial TV star came shortly after Morgan called out Travis Scott over the Astroworld disaster and slammed Adele for her own string of TV interviews.