Kesha Revealed Her Biggest Fashion Regret Of All Time

Kesha is a household name in the entertainment industry – not only because of her music but also because of her show-stopping fashion. The "TiK ToK" singer has always turned heads with her glammed-up sartorial choices, from outfits made entirely of glitter to leather ensembles with matching face paint. A certified bold dresser, she's never afraid to experiment with looks, even if she's branded as unusual or weird.

"I like digging through thrift stores and sometimes the garbage — yes it's true! — sometimes the garbage," she famously told MTV News in 2010 on how she comes up with her looks. "It's not like I'm going to go into the garbage with crusty food on it; all garbage is not equal. But if I see a pile of pretty sweet-looking shirts laying on the ground, yeah, I'll dig through it! In my fantasy world, I would just wear headdresses and run around in body paint and a glitter diaper and that's it. And because I can't run around topless, I just put on the coolest shirt I can find."

While Kesha isn't one to care about what people think of what she wears, there was one phase in her style evolution that she would like everyone to forget.

Kesha's biggest fashion regret has to do with her teeth

From 2010 to 2015, Kesha sported a gold tooth. At the time, she made it seem as if it was part of her overall look. But in an interview with Vogue in 2015, she said that she has come to regret it, and the tooth only came about after she found herself involved ... in a light brawl.

"I got into, like, a thing at a bar... Not a fight, it was more like a rowdiness," she told E! News. "Somebody was being mean to one of my dancers and I couldn't take it, so then part of my tooth came out and then the gold went on." While she liked it at the time, her mom Pebe Sebert expressed utter discontent. "My mom hates it," she added. "She says it looks like I'm missing a tooth in most pictures and that I look like a hillbilly and she wants me to get rid of it."

Apart from the gold tooth, the singer also regrets a specific hairstyle and dousing her body with glitter. "There was a time I went on the red carpet with a Mohawk, but I'll probably never do that again," she told Vogue. "And before I went on stage I used to pour beer on my body then roll in a bathtub full of glitter. I don't do that anymore because it irritated my skin."

Kesha has an unconventional approach to fashion

Early on in her career, back when she was all about glitter, Kesha said that she doesn't really plan elaborate outfits. "I'm not like one of those chicks that really cares," she shared with MTV. "I could literally just wear whatever, I'm not picky and I think that's the beauty of my style. I can kind of make anything look cool if you just tie it up or rip it or pin or safety pin it or put glitter on it."

But now, her approach to fashion is akin to Marie Kondo's philosophy of having — or in this case, wearing—whatever makes her feel happy. "I think of myself as a soul that has a body to decorate — with tattoos, earrings, a nose ring, a gold," she shared with InStyle this July. "I like decorating myself with things that make me happy, or keep me grounded, or make me laugh. I feel I'm now like a Christmas tree. Anything I wear, I want it to bring me joy and feel it's a representation of how I feel on the inside."

And in true Kondo fashion, Kesha also says how important it is to declutter clothing that no longer serves a purpose. "It feels really good to make space for the new clothes and the new memories," she added. "To be honest, I've gotten rid of over a thousand things."