Did Jared Kushner Admit To Avoiding Donald Trump?

Jared Kushner was former President Donald Trump's right hand man in the White House, and not just because he is his son-in-law, but because Trump truly believed in his talents and his ability to shift political tectonic plates like no one before him. Back in 2019, Trump even bragged that, if Kushner couldn't bring peace to the Middle East, then no one could, per The Guardian. But, then again, Trump reportedly once bragged that his daughter Ivanka could have dated NFL star Tom Brady before she got married. "Instead, I got Jared Kushner," he said, according to The New York Times

And, while no one really knows what Kushner's relationship with his father-in-law really looks like behind closed doors, there is a new report that suggests the businessman did everything he could to avoid Trump the day after the January 6 riots at the U.S. Capitol. And it's not because Kushner was worried about what Trump was going to say to him, but rather how he would respond to the president at the time. In fact, there was a very good chance that things would have gotten nasty between them. Here's why.

Jared Kushner didn't want to get into a fight with Donald Trump

ABC News correspondent Jonathan Karl has written a book called, "Betrayal: The Final Act of the Trump Show," which seemingly examines the last chapter of Donald Trump's first (and only) term in office. In the book, he says that Jared Kushner flew in from Saudi Arabia to Washington, D.C. as the attempted insurrection began at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th. Kushner, who worked as a senior aide for Trump, reportedly told a Republican lawmaker that he knew better than to visit the White House to see the president. Kushner said, "We'll just get in a fight if I go over there." Instead, Kushner went straight home and it wasn't until the next day that his wife Ivanka released a statement about the riots. That same day, the Kushners invited some of the top Trump administration officials over to their home for dinner, where everyone apparently avoided talking about the riots.

While getting into a fight with your father-in-law is never a good idea, getting into a fight with your father-in-law who happens to be the president of the United States would have caused just as much drama in the White House as it did at the U.S. Capitol that day. Kushner probably knew this better than anyone else.