Meghan McCain Has Bold Words About Britney Spears

If there's one thing that Meghan McCain is known for (aside from her famous dad, of course), it's her hot takes. And if there's one thing everyone on both the right and left sides of the political aisle can agree on, it's that Britney Spears deserved to be free from the conservatorship she was under for 13 years. So, is it really any wonder that McCain had some strong things to say now that Spears' conservatorship is officially over? Like, we could have predicted this, right?

McCain quit her job as one of the hosts on "The View" in August, per The Daily Beast. She said that her decision to leave was influenced, at least in part, by all of the online bullying she was getting for things she said on the show. However, it would seem that online bullying hasn't stopped her from getting loud on her Twitter account. And when it comes to Spears, it looks like McCain isn't just happy for the pop music icon, she's looking for a little retribution.

Meghan McCain wants Britney Spears to expose her family

Following the official end to her conservatorship, Britney Spears took to Twitter to post a short, two-minute video of herself addressing her fans and supporters. In the clip, Spears thanks the #FreeBritney movement for their dedication, describes the little things she gets to do now that are making her happy, and offers her support to people with disabilities and others who aren't as powerful as her but are in similar situations. It's basically the sweetest thing ever.

Meghan McCain responded to the clip with a quote tweet and some very strong words. "I hope people appreciate how incredible this moment is in history and how strong this woman is," she tweeted. So far, we agree! But McCain wasn't done. She continued with a major shift in tone, writing, "She was kept as a slave for 13 years by her psychotic family and her fans saved her. I hope she drags every single person and exposes their evil who did this to her."

Okay, wow! Now, we're not saying we do hope our beloved Britney goes all "Kill Bill" on her former conservators in the media — but we're not saying we necessarily don't hope that either.