The Real Reason Meghan Markle Didn't Like People Saying She Had A Stylist

Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle proudly wears many hats including that of wife, mother, daughter, friend, duchess, and yes... fashion icon.

"She's very self-service," a close friend of Meghan's once told People in 2019, noting that the duchess prefers to dress herself, do her own makeup, and even paint her own nails. "There's a false assumption that she lives in some gilded palace with staff and ladies-in-waiting and all these royal perks," the friend added. "It's simply not true."

Be that as it may, however, some can't seem to wrap their head around that little-known fact and it's become a serious point of contention for the duchess as highlighted in private never-before-seen messages that were recently revealed in the London's Court of Appeal in her long and drawn out privacy case against The Mail, per Newsweek. But what's the big deal if people think she has a personal stylist, anyway? 

Meghan Markle's personal style was the only thing she had control over

As it turns out, Meghan Markle took pride in dressing herself during a time when she had little to no control in almost every other area of her life.

As evidenced in emails brought forth in the appeal from her privacy case, per Newsweek, Meghan was particularly offended by a tweet in August 2018 that claimed a personal friend of hers actually served as her stylist. "You know how personally frustrating I find the 'stylist' narrative (as it's the only thing I seem to still have any control over—my personal styling) but given we are being asked to cooperate with this evidently authoritative biography I need to share I will not be comfortable doing so if this person is considered an authority and is tweeting the below," she penned in a message about the claim. In yet another message she also referred to the claim as "patently untrue."

While the false claim may seem small in the laundry list of things she allegedly dealt with as a working member of the royal family, there's no doubt it was one she took major issue with. Don't get it twisted, folks — Meghan is her own personal stylist!