Why Did Jessica Simpson Cry After Sharing A Social Media Post?

On November 1, Jessica Simpson shared an Instagram post marking four years from the day she decided to get sober. Simpson was unrecognizable in the snap. "I needed to stop drinking alcohol because it kept my mind and heart circling in the same direction and quite honestly I was exhausted," the photo caption read, in part. In her memoir "Open Book," Simpson went into detail about her struggles with addiction, according to People magazine. She had been leaning on pills and alcohol to get her through, but it changed her — and she was able to see this in November 2017. "Giving up the alcohol was easy. I was mad at that bottle. At how it allowed me to stay complacent and numb," she wrote. About a year later, Simpson got pregnant with her third child. Daughter Birdie Mae was born in March 2019, according to Entertainment Tonight

According to People, Simpson wanted to share her book — and some new music — to not only tell her story, but to inspire others. "It's been a long hard deep emotional journey, one that I've come through the other side with pure happiness and fulfillment and acceptance of myself. I've used my pain and turned it into something that can be beautiful and hopefully inspiring to people," she said. 

And while Simpson's journey is still ongoing, the aftermath of her recent social media post actually brought her to tears. Keep reading to find out why.

Jessica Simpson read the comments on her Instagram post

Jessica Simpson's Instagram share received hundreds of comments from her friends, celebs, and fans, almost all of whom praised her for her candor, and showed their support for her on her journey. Several also shared their own sober journeys, showing Simpson that she is not alone. "AMEN. God doing for us what we can't do for ourselves. 11.5 years of living free and honest. We do recover. Blessings," wrote one Instagram user. "Jessica... I live this every day. Every word I just read. I don't know you personally- but now I feel like I do. I haven't had a drink in over 17 years... it's remarkable..," added another Instagram user. 

It sounds like Simpson spent some time reading the comments that she received on the post, too. "It was very real for her," a friend of Simpson's told People magazine. "She spent half the day crying. It meant so much to her to hear from people, hear their stories and know that she helped even one person," the friend added. People's source went on to say that Simpson no longer wants to hide anything, and hopes to show that there are two sides to life. These days, Simpson is "doing really well," the friend shared.