Is Yara Zaya Planning A Move From Louisiana?

Since Yara Zaya and her husband Jovi Dufren first appeared on "90 Day Fiance", things have been complicated. First, a little context: the pair met on a dating app while Jovi was traveling abroad for work. Originally, Jovi was looking for a hookup but quickly fell head over heels for Yara. They decided to give it a go and spent the next six months traveling the world together, per Screen Rant. That's when things took a turn.

Though they'd only been together for a few months, Yara became pregnant with their first child. They got engaged and moved to the United States, but Yara suffered a miscarriage. Jovi and Yara settled in his native Louisiana and she became pregnant again. Though the second pregnancy was good news, Yara struggled to adjust to life in the American South. The issue was not helped by the fact that Jovi was often gone for work, not interested in caring for their child (plus, she didn't exactly love her in-laws).

Recently, rumors that Yara is pregnant with their second and that they may be splitting up have been circulating, per Screen Rant. While the couple admitted they've considered divorce in a recent YouTube video, they are still very much together according to their socials. They're still going strong, but change could be in the air. Thanks to some recent Instagram posts, fans suspect Yara might be getting out of Louisiana once and for all.

Yara wants out of Louisiana

For a while, it looked like Yara Zaya and her husband Jovi Dufren might be settled in his native Louisiana. Things changed, though, when hurricane Ida forced the couple to flee to Texas (though they seem to be back in Louisiana now). Peep Yara's socials and you'll see that she's loving life in the new city. "I really liked Houston this time, Many European cafes, felt at home," she captioned one Instagram photo. "Thinking maybe to move to Houston," she wrote under another.

Ever since arriving in Louisiana years ago, Yara hasn't liked it. Her first impression was that New Orleans was a dirty and dangerous place to start a family. She's long wanted to move somewhere closer to her home in Europe or to another US city, per Screen Rant. Days after fleeing Ida, Yara opened up about her desire to leave Louisiana permanently. "After all that happened, we thought about moving," she wrote on Instagram. "This is all very difficult and scary."

Good news for Yara, all signs seem to point to a major move being a distinct possibility in the near future. It seems like Jovi might even be on board. In a recent Instagram story (via Screen Rant), he posted a poll asking about the best place to move in the US: Chicago, Dallas, Houston, or Miami. Maybe Yara will get out of New Orleans after all.