Hillary Clinton Has A Message For Huma Abedin

While many of us may prefer to forget the 2016 presidential election, one thing you may remember is how supportive Hillary Clinton is of her vice-chair and longtime friend and colleague Huma Abedin. This was particularly true during the pre-election "October surprise" surrounding Abedin and her disgraced ex-husband, former congressman Anthony Weiner, which contributed to Clinton's loss.

Despite Abedin's numerous attempts to keep her private life private, Weiner kept blowing it up in the public with his many sexting scandals. After being caught in scandals in 2011 and again in 2013, per the Daily Beast, the one that caused the most damage for the most people happened in 2016 when a leaked photo and sexually explicit texts Weiner had sent to an underage girl became public, resulting in the FBI searching his laptop and finding emails involving then-candidate Clinton. In response, then-FBI director James Comey exploded possibly the biggest "October surprise" in history: he reopened the investigation into Clinton's emails a scant 11 days before the election.

In Clinton's post-election memoir "What Happened," Clinton wrote about her refusal to bend to calls from the public insisting that she sever ties with Abedin. Clinton said there's "no chance," writing, "I stuck by her the same way she has always stuck by me." Now, as Abedin's own memoir "Both/And: A Life in Many Worlds" hits shelves on November 2, Clinton still has words of support for her dear friend.

Hillary Clinton shared her support of her friend Huma Abedin

Huma Abedin has called herself "the invisible person behind the primary people." Now, she's taking her place in front of the camera to share her own story. In her tell-all memoir "Both/And," she opens up about her life, including an incident with an unnamed senator who sexually assaulted her (though she doesn't use those words), her relationship with her convicted sex offender ex-husband Anthony Weiner, and her time as the dutiful "Good Wife" who stood by his side amid scandal, until she no longer could. Of course, she also writes about her 25-year professional and personal relationship with Hillary Rodham Clinton, and the years of support HRC, as she's called in the book, gave her.

"It helps to have someone in your life you can turn to for solid advice, candid insights and discretion," Abedin wrote in her memoir (via NPR). "In my case it just happened to be Hillary Clinton." Abedin started working with Clinton as an intern in 1996, straight out of college, and moved up the ranks, eventually becoming her chief of staff.

Now, in a show of that support, Clinton expressed her pride for her friend and the new book. "I've known @HumaAbedin for 25 years and counting, and I can't imagine any of that time without her," Clinton tweeted, along with a photo of the two women, and a link to purchase the book from Simon & Schuster. "Her incredible story of a life in many worlds, "Both/And," comes out tomorrow."