90 Day Fiance: The Truth About Larissa Dos Santos Lima's Many Arrests

Larissa Dos Santos Lima and Colt Johnson had an explosive relationship on "90 Day Fiancé" – and not in the kind of way you would want. From the very beginning of their "90 Day Fiancé" journey, the two were at odds with each other ... to put it lightly.

Back in Season 6, fans met Colt and Larissa – and their whirlwind relationship. While the two seemed like an unlikely pair at first due to personality differences, they attempted to push that aside and, instead, focus on their love. But it wasn't long before their differing points of view became a sore spot they could no longer ignore. In fact, it was right when Larissa met Colt at the airport that their differences, rather than their love, became glaringly obvious.

Larissa was unhappy with life in Las Vegas, Nevada, where Colt resides. And Colt's family wasn't too keen on Larissa either – as they thought Larissa was with Colt for the wrong reasons. Yet, despite the ups and downs, the two ended up marrying within 90 days, but it didn't last for long. Less than a year after their marriage, Colt filed for divorce from Larissa (via ScreenRant). While their relationship was certainly not sunshine and rainbows, why did they divorce, and why was Larissa arrested so many times throughout their marriage?

Colt called the cops on Larissa many times, but he had good reason to

To say that Colt Johnson and Larissa Dos Santos Lima had a rocky relationship is an understatement. In fact, Colt called the police in multiple instances after engaging in heated arguments with Larissa.

In each instance, Larissa was arrested for domestic violence. Two of the charges were dropped (via ScreenRant), but following the third altercation, Larissa was charged with misdemeanor domestic violence. According to Entertainment Tonight, when she and Colt would argue, "he would call the cops and claim that she was trying to kill him." Yet, Colt saw the arguments differently. He described the arguments by saying Larissa kept "going and going," and that he was worried for her – which is why he called the cops. 

While Colt saw it as being worried for her, Larissa saw Colt calling the cops as having "no respect" for her status as an immigrant because by calling the cops he continuously put her immigration in danger. "Colt had attempted to have her deported after their breakup by trying to rescind her green card, which led to her being arrested and held by ICE for a few hours," per ScreenRant. According to E! News, during this instance, she changed her Instagram profile to say, "Help me he wants to call the police help me." Yet, per Us Weekly, when Larissa was charged the third time, she was the "aggressor," leaving Colt's face "bloodied." How awful. 

Where are Colt and Larissa now?

After the violence between Colt Johnson and Larissa Dos Santos Lima in 2019, Larissa was arrested for the third and final time, and Colt went and filed for divorce. Since then, she got out on bail (via Entertainment Tonight) and the two have gone their separate ways and haven't kept in touch.

When speaking with Entertainment Tonight, Colt said while he wishes Larissa the best, but they're not going to speak soon. "The last time I saw her in person was at her last trial and I just shook her hand and said, 'good luck' — that was the last time I spoke with her. I don't know what she's up to or where she's at or what she's doing, honestly. I think I've honestly said everything I want to say to her." He added, "The only thing I want is to be left alone by Larissa."

As for Larissa, she told Entertainment Tonight she plans to work towards becoming an attorney (though as of 2020 she was rising the ranks of OnlyFans). "I wish I could, in any way, give back to the immigration society here because I am an immigrant, right?" she said. "I got arrested, things happened to me that are unbelievable, that could happen to an immigrant. So, I wish I could give back to them."

If you or someone you know is dealing with domestic abuse, you can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1−800−799−7233. You can also find more information, resources, and support at their website.