Inside Matt Roloff And Chris Marek's Relationship
TLC's "Little People, Big World" co-stars and spouses Matt and Amy Roloff stunned the masses when they announced they were separating in March 2014. "After 27 years of marriage, it is with great sadness that we have come to the difficult decision to file for divorce," they announced in a statement to E! News. "We are proud of what we have accomplished together including raising four wonderful children who have grown to become remarkable adults and building our strong and ongoing successful businesses."
Along with thanking their family, friends, and fans for their support — they also vowed to "continue to work together side by side in the daily responsibilities for our many current ventures." Fortunately, it appears they have made good on that promise and then some. Matt even welcommed Amy's new partner, Chris Marek, with open arms.
Perhaps most surprising, however, is the friendly and genuine banter that Matt and his ex-wife's new husband share. In a recent Instagram post, Matt fawned over Chris' motorcycle with a caption that read, "When your x-wife's new husband has a machine cooler that [sic] any of my machines. You ask him to put it up front and center for all to see," sharing a picture of the impressive hog. Still, that's only the tip of the friendly iceberg when it comes to the relationship Matt shares with Chris.
Matt Roloff provided the venue for Amy and Chris' wedding
While some divorces play out like an episode of "The Jerry Springer Show" (we had to), Matt and Amy Roloff defied the odds when they took a classier approach and opted to "consciously uncouple" à la Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin. Perhaps not using the same language, but the former couple remains so friendly that Matt offered to host Amy's nuptials to fiancé Chris Marek at his property, Roloff Farms.
Ahead of the big day, Matt took to Instagram to update his followers on the status of the farm. "The farm is ready," Matt shared along with two photos of the rustic barn. "Amy's wedding 1st priority ..then pumpkin season," he continued. Still, in an effort to keep things from being totally awkward, Amy and Chris opted to nix Amy's ex-husband and father of her children from the guest list. "I think it causes less drama and I think that's better for everyone," Amy explained to People about the decision to exclude Matt from the festivities.
Luckily, however, all parties were on the same page. "We had a conversation and he goes, 'Are you going to be offended if we don't invite you to the wedding?' [I said,] 'Absolutely not, let's just take it off the table, make it simple,'" Matt revealed during an episode of "Little People, Big World" (via People). He then playfully added, "I am going to be going to the honeymoon," as he and Chris laughed.
Amy Roloff and Caryn Chambers aren't quite as close
Alas, it hasn't been all rainbows and sunshine for all former spouses here. In her memoir, "A Little Me," television personality-turned-author Amy Roloff wrote candidly about the moment she claims that she realized her then-husband Matt Roloff was engaging in an inappropriate relationship with the couple's farm manager and now-girlfriend, Caryn Chandler. "Then it dawned on me. Matt and our farm manager, who had been working for us a number of years by then, seemed to have more than just a working relationship or friendship," she penned in the book (via People). "I saw messages, pictures, and other things that should not have been shared between people who just worked together and were still married to other people. ... I was devastated," she added.
Fortunately, Amy eventually worked through any hard feelings she had for Matt. During a Facebook live video, Amy was adamant that she was not "jealous or bitter" but confessed that it was hard to process all of her feelings. "Life goes on and I will allow myself that time to embrace it, but I am happy that if Matt is happy, he's happy. And if I'm happy, I'm glad that I'll be happy," she declared. Amy may not be as close with Caryn as Matt with Chris, but alas, the journey continues for this bunch.