What Really Happened At Meghan McCain's First Television Appearance Since Leaving The View?

Meghan McCain's first television appearance since her long-standing run on "The View" has some viewers seeing RED!

While McCain's appearance on NBC's "Meet the Press" appeared to go swimmingly from a logistical point of view, critics of the conservative political pundit couldn't help but voice their frustrations about seeing her on their screens again. "This young lady is not her father (though she likes to name him frequently). She lies on camera, she has zero value as a guest, certainly she's go [sic] no credibility as a political talking head. And yet, Meet the Press fails by allowing her to lie on their air," CNN's Soledad O'Brien penned in a now-viral tweet. Meanwhile, another Twitter user wrote, "Meghan McCain: the most vocal & inaccurately self-opinionated non-entity on US tv." YIKES. Those are fighting words!

So what did McCain really have to say during her on-air appearance? Keep reading after the jump to find out!

Meghan McCain minced no words on "Meet the Press"

Meghan McCain minced no words on her appearance as a panelist on NBC's "Meet the Press."

As reported by Variety, upon being given a warm welcome by host Chuck Todd who even referred to McCain's late father, John McCain, stating that "It's good to have a McCain back on 'Meet the Press,'" McCain wasted no time before giving her critical opinion of President Joe Biden. "President Biden ran on being a moderate, as you said. He ran and won with the help of independent centrists, Trump-weary Republicans, and he is not governing as one," McCain claimed. "The Build Back Better agenda is the most progressive modern agenda of all time, up to $5 trillion, and it's not polling well. So I think I'm just confused as to why they're doubling down on something that is cratering in the polls right now." It should be noted, however, that per Navigator Research, Biden's Build Back Better economic plan has garnered an approval rating of 66%. 

Along with voicing her displeasure at President Biden's time in office, she also defended centrist Democratic Senators Kyrsten Sinema (Arizona) and Joe Manchin III (West Virginia.) "If it's not [Manchin], it's going to be a Republican," she sweepingly declared about the West Virginia senator.

One thing's for sure: whether you love her or hate her, the decision to feature her almost always proves to be a topic of conversation!