James Middleton Did Not Invite This Family Member To His Wedding

James Middleton has never really gotten the same media attention as his sisters Kate Middleton and Pippa Middleton, but he has certainly made headlines for his personal life along with his numerous business ventures. The former Boomf executive has also been very open about living with clinical depression. 

Sharing a photo of himself and his pack of dogs on Instagram in May during a much needed solitary retreat to England's Lake District, James wrote: "I couldn't feel joy, excitement or anticipation – only heart-thudding anxiety which propelled me through the day... but this moment with the dogs onto of that mountain I will never forget, I shouted at the top of my lungs (like they do in films) I cried and I absorbed everything that nature could give me giving me the strength to tackle the upcoing battle to overcome my depression."

Luckily, James now has his wife, Alizee Thevenet, by his side through both the good times and the bad. The couple tied the knot in the South of France on September 12 in a surprise ceremony, per USA TODAY, and according to reports, there was one member of the Middleton family who did not attend their special day — despite being invited to Kate's wedding in 2011 and Pippa's wedding in 2017. Keep reading below to find out who was left off the guest list this time.

Why was Carole Middleton's brother left off the guest list?

While both Prince William and Kate Middleton were reportedly in attendance at James Middleton and Alizee Thevenet's wedding, along with other close members of the Middleton family, there was one person who did not get an invite, despite being in close proximity at the time. According to the Daily Mail, the missing family member was Gary Goldsmith, who happens to be the often outspoken brother of Carole Middleton. 

Yes, this is the same Gary who was sentenced after an alleged assault against his wife back in 2017, per People, and the same Gary who has lashed out at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. "The harsh truth — in my opinion — is that if Harry doesn't get a grip and stop this self-indulgent episode, there will soon be no common ground or relationship to rebuild," Gary told Closer back in June, even though there's no indication that he knows Harry or what goes on behind closed doors at Buckingham Palace.

Gary also told Daily Mail that there's no way his niece, Kate, made Meghan cry before her wedding to Prince Harry in 2018, as if he were allegedly there. "If anyone had a hissy fit, it must have been Meghan," he said. Seeing how Gary is someone who makes headlines as much as he comments on them, it's no wonder James didn't want him at his wedding. There's always that one wayward uncle in every family, right?