Mindy Kaling Gets Asked Out By Senator Cory Booker On Twitter

It's like a scene straight out of The Mindy Project! After her hit show jokingly dissed Cory Booker, the New Jersey Senator asked Mindy Kaling out via Twitter – and, yes, it's all kinds of adorable.

On a recent episode of the Hulu series, Kaling's alter-ego, Dr. Mindy Lahiri, expressed her shock when she heard the politician had attended her friend's party, exclaiming "Cory Booker? I can't believe he came! I guess anything to get out of Newark, huh?"

As Us Weekly outlined, Booker playfully reached out to the star last Thursday, March 23rd via Twitter: "Ouch! @MindyKaling, heard Dr. Lahiri dissed Newark last night." After attaching a link to Vogue's Newark travel guide, he added "(I still ♥ U!)".

But Kaling was quick to reassure the senator and his state pride, tweeting back: "Senator, if Mindy Lahiri shades it, it means we know it's cool. Thanks for the ❤. It's mutual!"

The sparks had seemingly flown, and it wasn't long before the exchange spiraled into a flirtatious digital date proposal. Booker responded with, "If the ♥ is really mutual... Come have dinner with me in Newark? #PleaseSayYes".

Kaling was straight to the point in her reply: "yes. Now let me get the PATH train schedule." The PATH train, which runs between NYC and NJ, was basically all of us – like a pre-teen chomping on popcorn as their favorite love story plays out, whoever runs the account quickly jumped in, providing the former The Office actress with the schedule.

But Booker played it super suave, telling the comedy writer that while the PATH train is "awesome," she is "Lyft worthy," and offered to "send one to you for the door to door."

The aww-worthy Twitter-fest ended here, but if the @ replies to this conversation are anything to go by, the internet is absolutely dying to know where this storyline goes! Is this mere platonic joshing or a real-life romcom in the making? Only time will tell...