Is Donald Trump Considering These Potential Running Mates For 2024?

Donald Trump lost the 2020 election to Joe Biden, but his dreams of being president for two terms weren't exactly shattered. The real estate mogul turned Commander-in-Chief has reportedly been eyeing another run at the White House, and may already be making plans for his 2024 campaign. A report from Rolling Stone published on July 19, a source said that Trump has been telling friends that he plans to have his name on the ballot in 2024. "I have three friends who've had dinner with him in the last couple of months. All three reported that his current plans are to run for president in 2024. Now, whether he does or not is a different issue. We've still got three years to go. But he's telling people that," a former senior official at the Republican National Committee told the outlet.

Furthermore, in a guest piece for The New York Times, reporter Michael Wolff wrote that he thinks that Trump will run again for the sake of making sure that none of the "men who, in his view, helped take the presidency from him from trying to get it for themselves." No matter his reasoning, it sounds like the world isn't finished hearing from Trump, and with a few loyal republican supporters standing by him through thick and thin, one has to wonder who he will tap for his running mate. Read on to find out the frontrunners for the post.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is at the top of the list

The only thing that seems to be abundantly clear is that Donald Trump will not ask Mike Pence to run alongside him in 2024, according to Politico. It seems, however, that there are a handful of names on the list of potential Trump running mates, most of whom would likely be delighted to see Trump in the White House for another four years. Those names include, "Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, ex-Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and [Senators] Tim Scott, Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, and Josh Hawley," Politico reports. 

There is quite a bit of buzz about DeSantis in Florida — and beyond. According to Reuters, it's also possible that DeSantis runs for president himself in 2024. "For some Republicans who grew weary of the incessant turmoil of Trump's four years in the White House, DeSantis offers the promise of a presidential candidate who shares many of Trump's views but is less incendiary, according to interviews with more than a dozen Republican voters, party officials and strategists," Reuters reports. It's entirely possible that Trump and DeSantis will find themselves going head-to-head before ultimately joining forces — if Trump wins the republican nomination, that is. It's unlikely that Trump has any interest in become the vice president.