Steve Harvey Comments On Oscar Blunder

Family Feud host Steve Harvey absolutely loved the 89th Academy Awards. No, really.

Harvey, who famously announced the wrong winner at the 2015 Miss Universe competition, is pleased that someone else has come under scrutiny for making a major flub on live TV. "I felt really good and warm and fuzzy on the inside," he told Extra. "I actually lit a cigar and got a glass of scotch and celebrated."

In case you missed it, during the finale at the 2017 Academy Awards, the Oscar for Best Motion Picture was accidentally given to La La Land but—unfortunately for the cast and crew—they didn't win. After some confusion, the Oscar was correctly presented to the true winner, Moonlight.

In his interview with Extra's Mario Lopez, Harvey continued elaborating on how people have criticized him for his Miss Universe mistake: "I was sitting there going, 'Yeah, okay,' 'cause, you know, for a whole year I've been hearing, 'Oh, how could he? Oh, my God! No one ever does that. That's a mistake! How did he do that? That's ridiculous...' Okay, the granddaddy of them all, the Oscars, and they handed that guy the wrong envelope...boy, do I know that feeling."

Although a PricewaterhouseCoopers accountant has since been blamed for the Oscar incident, many had originally pinned the awkward moment on presenter Warren Beatty, even though, as Harvey points out in his Extra interview, fellow presenter Faye Dunaway had read the wrong winner.

Still, Harvey offered his support to Beatty via social media on Feb. 27, 2017, tweeting, "Call me Warren Beatty. I can help you get through this!"

Regardless of how the award show mishap occurred, Harvey admitted, "That was one of the greatest moments of television for me in my entire life, watching them."

Good to know that everything really does blow over.