Dr. Phil Interviews A Shockingly Ill Shelley Duvall

Shelley Duvall, star of The Shining, recently gave a harrowing interview on Dr. Phil, in which she was nearly unrecognizable and described herself as "very sick."

In a clip of an episode airing Friday, Nov. 18, 2016, the 67-year-old actress tells Dr. Phil McGraw, "I loved [Popeye (1980) co-star] Robin Williams." When McGraw asks her if she's seen him, she replies, "I don't think he's dead. I have [seen him], yes." He asked where she thinks he is, and she replied, "Shape-shifting."

Robin Williams committed suicide in 2014.

At another point, she says, "The man who's threatening me is the Sheriff of Nottingham...there's a worrying disc inside me."

It's neither clear nor disclosed what Duvall's specific medical problems actually are, but in the end of the clip, she tells McGraw, 68, "I'm very sick. I need help."

McGraw replies, "Well, that's why I'm here."

Vivian Kubrick, daughter of Shining director Stanley Kubrick, lashed out at McGraw on Twitter over the shocking video and called for a boycott of the episode.

"You are putting Shelly [sic] Duvall 'on show' while she is suffering from a pitiable state of ill health. Unquestionably, this is purely a form of lurid and exploitative entertainment—it's appallingly cruel," she wrote to McGraw. "Shelly [sic] Duvall was a movie star...whatever dignity a mere unfortunate creature might have in this world, is denied her by you displaying her in this way...I recoil in complete disgust," she continued. "I hope others will join me in boycotting your utterly heartless form of entertainment, because it has nothing to do with compassionate healing."