How Ben Affleck's Nanny Would Ruin 'The Bachelorette'
Shortly after rumors broke that Christine Ouzounian, the former nanny of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner who allegedly hooked up with Affleck during her employment, Page Six reported that Ouzounian is looking to do a reality show like The Bachelorette. While that may sound like the best thing to happen to reality TV in years, the long-term effects could also sink ABC's franchise dating show once and for all. Here's why.
The Ratings Would Be Huge—But Not For Long
Even if nobody believes her story, people appear to be genuinely captivated by Ouzounian, to the point where a stint on The Bachelorette could garner genuinely strong ratings for ABC. Of course, those numbers probably wouldn't last very long. As Caitlyn Jenner witnessed with her docu-drama series, I Am Cait, most people aren't willing to watch a reality TV show past its buzzy premiere episode, especially when the actual content doesn't really live up to the hype. (For reference: I Am Cait lost almost 50 percent of its premiere audience in week 2.) Odds are that the same thing would happen to Ouzounian. Viewers would likely see the casting for what it was (a transparent ratings stunt), and linger just long enough to have talking points on the Internet the following day.
She'd Attract A Whole Lot Of Duds
If Ouzounian really is just in it for the fame, like many allege that she is, it's hard to imagine any guy of substance wanting to compete to win her heart. Instead, the show would just get stuck with a bunch of guys looking for their own 15 minutes in the spotlight, and a chance to selfishly further their careers. Even worse: given the show's track record, whoever Ouzounian picked would probably wind up being next season's Bachelor, anyway. As anyone who watched Juan Pablo's season will tell you, there's nothing worse than having a dud for a Bachelor.
We'd Just Be Feeding The Beast
There's something stomach-churning about giving a platform like The Bachelorette to Ouzounian, whose claims have yet to be substantiated by anyone concrete. Sure, it would be totally juicy to hear her dish on what actually happened while she was working for Ben—like, you know, that time they and Tom Brady took a private jet to Vegas. But even if she does spill the beans, who's to say we'd actually believe her? With no proof to back it up, we'd just be encouraging someone who really doesn't need any encouraging right now.
It Could Give Her Access To Other Reality TV Shows
Over the years, we've seen many former Bachelor and Bachelorette contestants move on to even higher-profile reality TV shows. Chris Soules, Melissa Rycroft and the original Bachelorette herself, Trista Sutter, are just some of the franchise names who competed on Dancing with the Stars. Ouzounian would presumably gain access to those kinds of shows, as well (or, at the very least, Bachelor in Paradise), which would only make things worse for everyone involved. Even if reality TV is an inevitable conclusion, it's best to put her on a show that's not watched by millions and millions of people.
The Bachelorette Is In Desperate Need Of Damage Control
The Bachelorette received a lot of flack for its retro, anti-feminist twist last season, in which the actual Bachelorette was voted upon by the men competing for her heart. (Kaitlyn Bristowe and Britt Nilsson from The Bachelor season 19 were named candidates; Bristowe ultimately won.) The last thing The Bachelorette needs right now is another scandal to disrupt its once squeaky-clean image. Casting Ouzounian would only serve as catnip for the tabloids who already cover her every move.