The Real Reason Chrissy Teigen Can't Stand Ivanka Trump

As the unofficial Mayor of Twitter, supermodel Chrissy Teigen has never been afraid to voice her opinions on social media. While it's not uncommon to find her feed filled with photos of food and family, the wife of singer-songwriter John Legend also regularly uses her platform to call out the Trump administration's behavior. In particular, Teigen has focused her attention on dissecting the words of first daughter Ivanka Trump. For instance, Teigen put Ivanka on blast in July 2020 after she posted an image of herself holding a can of Goya beans amid controversy over the brand's political affiliations.

"[H]ad it with anyone who EVER defends this woman or puts her as the 'sane' one in this family," Teigen wrote on Twitter. "[W]hat a repulsive trolling of the people." Teigen also questioned the legality of Ivanka's photo, as endorsing a third-party brand or product while holding an official title within the administration can constitute an ethics violation.

Teigen also highlighted Ivanka's tone-deaf quarantine post in March 2020, as Donald Trump's daughter wrote: "Staying home today w/ kids? Plan living room camp out! Throw a bedsheet over some taped together brooms. Plan a menu & 'pack' sandwiches, salads... A fun activity that also brings family together for a meal!" In response, Teigen retweeted Ivanka's post and wrote, "[A]fter we quote pack unquote sandwiches can we please have Covid tests[?]" Teigen clearly can't stand Ivanka and isn't hesitant to stand up for those who don't have millions of followers at their disposal.

Chrissy Teigen called out Ivanka Trump's 'complete lack of empathy' for family separations

Model Chrissy Teigen has been critical of first daughter Ivanka Trump from the start. After all, when Ivanka captioned an image of herself, "Cuddling my little nephew Luke... the best part of an otherwise incredible day!", Teigen didn't hesitate to point out Ivanka's grammatical error: "'Otherwise' implies you did not like hangin with this baby." However, when it came to Ivanka's stance on the Trump administration's separation of children from their families at the Mexican border, Teigen didn't joke around.

"It's a painful thing to see that and it's a painful thing to see such a complete lack of empathy," Teigen said during an appearance at the 2019 annual Issues Conference for the House Democratic Caucus (per CNN). "When it comes from people, like Ivanka, I will say, that can post all day pictures of her children that are just in her home and 'oh my daughter is having trouble in her crib' or 'my daughter is doing this' and 'my daughter is doing this,' there are children out there that don't have that opportunity." Teigen also noted that she couldn't "fathom for a second how scared our children would be if they were without us."

To show support for immigrant families, Teigen and husband John Legend each donated $72,000 to the ACLU in honor of Donald Trump's birthday in 2018, proving Teigen's words and actions consistently align in her continued defense of the greater good.