Seth Rogen, Katherine Heigl Address Their Alleged 'Knocked Up' Feud

Seth Rogen appeared on Howard Stern's SiriusXM radio show on Aug. 8, 2016, and put to rest the many rumors alleging that he and his Knocked Up (2007) co-star, Katherine Heigl, hate each other.

"As we were making the movie, honestly, I was like, 'I would make a dozen movies with her. I would be whatever the sh**ty version of Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan is,'" Rogen told Stern. "We have a great dynamic. People seemed to like it. We were funny together. I was having a really good time, and then when I heard afterward that she didn't like it, that she seemed to not like the process, and she did not like the end product either."

"I think when that happens—also your trust feels somewhat betrayed," he continued. "We have a very open process. We're like, 'You have the ability to say anything at any moment. I don't like this scene. I don't like how I'm coming across here.'"

Rogen was referring to Heigl's infamous 2008 interview with Vanity Fair, during which she called Knocked Up "a little sexist" and admitted "it was hard for me to love the movie." Her comments catalyzed an immediate backlash from fans who felt she was biting the hand that fed her. Even Rogen chimed in on the drama, calling Heigl a hypocrite for subsequently agreeing to star in romantic comedies such as The Ugly Truth (2009).

That was then. Now, Rogen is taking a more sympathetic approach. "I respect the fact that perhaps she realizes it has hurt her career, and I don't want that to have happened to her at all," he told Stern.

Heigl—who admitted to Stern in April 2016 that she awkwardly ran into Rogen about six years ago—responded to Rogen's comments during a Television Critics Association press event for her new show, Doubt, on Aug. 10, 2016. "I think that he's handled that so beautifully, and I just feel nothing but love and respect," she said (via The Hollywood Reporter). "And it was so long ago at this point, I just wish him so much goodness, and I felt that from him, too."

Well, that's that.