Body Language Expert: Michelle Obama Can't Hide The Big Stress Point In Her Marriage To Barack

As of late, Michelle Obama's noticeable absence at Barack Obama's side has put divorce rumors into overdrive. In the trailer for her podcast, "You Should Start a Podcast with Your Sibling with Michelle and Craig," Michelle subtly shut down those divorce rumors. Yet, in the first episode, her body language told a very different story. 

Michelle co-hosts the podcast, which launched this week, with her brother, college basketball coach Craig Robinson. The brother and sister duo discussed their dad's penchant for being an early bird, which prompted Michelle to talk about Barack and how he does not share that particular trait. "Barack — he had to adjust to what 'on time' was for me ... I've got this husband who — when it's time to leave, it's 3:00, he's getting up and going to the bathroom ... and I was like 'dude, 3 o'clock departure means you've done all that, you know?" 

In an exclusive interview with Nicki Swift, Body Language Expert and Behavior Analyst Traci Brown dug deeper into what was behind Michelle's words. And, a simple bit of body language could provide a surprising bit of insight. "See how she stiffens up and grabs her elbow?" Brown pointed out. According to her, "Whenever [someone] elbow grabs there's lots of stress." So, it was easy for Brown to draw the conclusion that "this situation with Barack always being late has been a big stress point."

Barack Obama's tardiness has seemingly been difficult on Michelle

For plenty of folks listening to Michelle Obama's podcast, her insight about the differences between her and Barack Obama surely piqued interest. As signs that their marriage won't last mount and gossip swirls, this may not be the best time for Michelle to draw any attention to marital issues. Still, her statement clearly wasn't intended to throw Barack under the bus. Instead, it seemed that she was simply noting the influence her dad had on her and how that affected her behavior and her marriage to someone with different tendencies. She even added that "he's improved over 30 years of marriage." It seemed that she was simply noting the influence her dad had on her and how that affected her behavior and her marriage to someone with different tendencies.

Couples often have behaviors and tendencies that don't align with one another. And, even simple, seemingly benign misalignments between partners can cause stress and struggle. Still, just like Michelle's anecdote suggests, meeting each other in the middle and adapting behaviors over time can definitely help. And, it sounds like Barack has done just that. After all, this couple has been married for 35 years, so it's no surprise that there has been plenty of growth and change during that time. This certainly doesn't mean that there's no trouble in paradise for the Obamas. Yet, signs of stress from Michelle about her hubby's past tendency for lateness doesn't necessarily prove that they're headed for splitsville, either.