Barron Trump's Rumored Ex Gave A Classic Excuse For Why They Split

When it comes to Barron Trump's personal life, he and his mom have always been great at keeping things out of the spotlight. However, the same can't be said for Barron's supposed ex-girlfriend, who has spoken about their prep school romance in the past. She's also revealed that the reason behind their split was pretty run-of-the-mill. That is, distance got in the way.

ICYMI, TikTok user @Maddatitude revealed back in 2020 that she had been at Columbia Grammar & Preparatory School with Barron and that he'd even been her first boyfriend. In a since-deleted explanation in the comments section, she shared that they eventually parted ways when Barron moved to Florida, where he attended the prestigious Oxbridge Academy.

Unfortunately, for anyone hoping for further detail than that, @Maddatitude didn't share much more than what's already been said about Barron. Asked by commenters about the then-first son's personality, she shared that he was a sweet guy — and as one commenter pointed out, that was far from a groundbreaking piece of intel. As such, the commenter mused that it may have had something to do with confidentiality agreements, but @Maddatitude replied that she'd make a follow-up video. It's not clear when that was taken down, but it's no longer on her page.

Not everyone is convinced @Maddatitude dated Barron Trump

Some may remember that back in 2016, one of Melania Trump's exes opened up about what she was really like. However, everything he said had been heard before, and that led to a ton of questions about the validity of his claims. Likewise, with @Maddatude, the general consensus seems to be that her claims are taken with a grain of salt. 

Other than the standard revelation that Barron Trump is a nice kid (something insider Stephanie Grisham has said about Barron's personality as well), the TikToker hasn't said much else. Of course, she shared pics of the White House field trip Barron organized for the grade and even included a snap of them side by side in school photos, but that's about it. Moreover, there is some confusion regarding her relationship with Donald Trump. In another TikTok post, @Maddatude shared that she'd been baffled as to why he was at her Grade 5 graduation. Given that she'd supposedly dated Barron during that same year, her confusion is a little — well, confusing. What's more, when commenters who seemingly attended school with @Maddatude and Barron corrected her, saying it had actually been their fourth-grade graduation, she doubled down. 

There is a chance @Maddatude simply had her dates mixed up. It's also possible she's opted out of sharing details about Barron to protect his privacy. Either way, they're no longer together. Granted, there has been speculation that Barron and @Maddatude could go to the same college, so perhaps there's a chance of rekindling their relationship. At the very least, they wouldn't have to contend with distance anymore.