Fox News Host Ainsley Earhardt Looks So Different Without Makeup

Whether she likes it or not, Ainsley Earhardt has earned the nickname "media's Barbie," and it's pretty easy to see why. The longtime Fox News anchor has long been a darling of the network, and her appearance is undoubtedly part of the package. With her perfectly coiffed blonde hair with not a single strand out of place and vibrant, polished outfits in rainbow colors, she always looks impeccably put together, as if she's just stepped off a magazine cover.

But her look is no accident. According to a childhood friend, Earhardt has always had her makeup on point and dressed to impress, a skill she apparently picked up from her mom. And Earhardt is unapologetic about it, too. "I enjoy makeup and having someone who does my hair," she told Elle. "What female wouldn't?" Still, Earhardt wants to be known for more than just her looks — especially by the young women who tune in and dream of being in her shoes someday. "I want that little girl to see it is hard work, it is being kind, it is knowing who you are. It's taken me a long time to get here," she added.

Given her approach to her public image, it's rare to catch Earhardt without a stitch of makeup. But on the rare occasions when she shares more laidback photos, surprise, surprise — she still looks like Barbie.

Ainsley still looks every bit a Barbie without makeup on

Who would've guessed that the always flawless and camera-ready Ainsley Earhardt ever lets her guard down? Especially when it comes to her looks. But yes, even Fox News' sweetheart (and Sean Hannity's reported girlfriend, might we add) occasionally ditches the thick mascara and sharp eyeliner, opting for a makeup-free — or at least barely there — look when she's hanging with family and friends. She even chooses to forego her signature vibrant sheath dresses and trades them for jeans and shorts, proving even that she, too, has a casual side.

But make no mistake — she may not be as glammed up as her on-air persona on days when she's not behind the camera, but Earhardt still manages to serve Barbie chic, perhaps just with a little less sparkle. In fact, she's not the type to look disheveled just because it's the weekend. Earhardt's made it clear that she values her appearance, whether she's broadcasting to millions or just lounging at home. "If you're asking me to go on set without makeup and without my hair washed, you're asking me to be someone that I'm not," she once told Business Insider. "I enjoy who I am. And I'm gonna own it." And own it she does!

She has a meticulous routine to maintain her skin and body

Now, it's no accident that Ainsley Earhardt looks like Barbie every hour of the day — she puts in the work. A lot of it. After all, it's part of the job. In an interview with Haute Living, Earhardt dished the lengths she goes to maintain that flawless look, from her sleep schedule to her diet and, of course, her meticulously curated skincare routine.

"I wake up at 3 o'clock in the morning, so it does require a lot of care," she said, and by "care," she means sneaking in naps when possible and avoiding anything remotely fun like a bucket of wings or a sip of Coca-Cola. "I eat extremely healthy," she explained. Naturally, her skin practically glows with all the clean eating, as well as a little help from some lotions and potions. "I use lotions and creams on my face and wash it every night and every morning. I eat healthy and I do not have a lot of problems with my skin because of that," she said. Oh, and even with a packed schedule of being on TV and raising her daughter, Earhardt somehow still makes time to hit the gym three times a week. "Sometimes I'll go to Equinox, Orange Theory, or Barry's Bootcamp," she shared with My Morning Routine.

But while most of us would be whining about such a punishing routine, Earhardt remains unfazed. She's living her best life and wouldn't dare whine about it, despite having to wake up before dawn on the daily and putting on a blindingly pink pantsuit. "I love my job. And I really don't mind waking up extra early to wake up America each and every weekday morning," she said. "I am blessed beyond measure!"