Lauren Boebert Outfit Fails That Were Brutally Called Out Online

Lauren Boebert has an outdated sense of style that Zoomers would find appalling: She clings to her skinny jeans like Donald Trump holds on to his stale signature hairstyle. Speaking of follicular fossils, Boebert is also a big fan of the millennial side part. But being stuck in the late-aughts is not the Republican U.S. representative's only style struggle. As social media users have kindly let the lawmaker know, she's just not a great decision maker when it comes to her wardrobe.

Some people use their clothing to advertise to others that they are members of a specific group. Boebert did this on Memorial Day in 2021 when she participated in a motorcycle ride with a large group of bikers. The congresswoman made sure that she was ready for a photo op by getting all decked out in her finest biker gear, including a pristine leather jacket and spotless red bandana. But Boebert's caked-on-makeup and try-hard outfit had some people convinced that maybe she didn't belong at the patriotic event. "Call me old school but where I come from we still look down on wannabe bikers and posers," an Instagrammer wrote. "Hey, Lauren. It is Memorial Day, not Halloween," another skeptic tweeted.

Boebert is lucky that she committed many of her most egregious style sins before she had a large social media following — she would have been ridiculed all the way back the late '90s if more people had seen her wearing a distressed jean skirt, sleeveless polo shirt, and platform slides. As it stands now, her wardrobe keeps giving her critics ample material.

She made a poor footwear choice for the petting zoo

In 2021, Lauren Boebert introduced her social media followers to her new furry bestie: a goat that looked like it had zero interest in making her acquaintance. Her outfit wasn't the best choice for getting inside the pen with her little friend. For one thing, goat drool was not going to dry and become invisible on her white mini-dress.

Boebert's leopard-print espadrille wedges were an even worse decision. In the photo above, those are not pellets of goat chow scattered all over the ground — if she were to step on them, the bottoms of her shoes would stink something terrible until she could scrub them down with soapy water. For some Facebook users, Boebert's footwear signaled that she is not a trustworthy leader. "Oh yeah, because when I think of someone who is capable of good and responsible governance, it's someone who wears open-toed shoes to a petting zoo," one person commented.

Others felt that Boebert's high-fashion photo shoot with a farm animal stunk of political posturing. "Classic politician. Goes to a farm in open-toed heels and a white dress, with full hair and makeup, and then wants us to believe they're 'authentic' and 'relatable,'" read another remark. The goat's body language also didn't go unnoticed by many observers — it was keeping its distance and even leaning away from Boebert. "The goat's afraid his hide will end up like a pair of those ugly, out of style, leopard wedgies she ALWAYS WEARS," quipped one commenter.

Her Fourth of July fit just wasn't it

What in tarnation? For a 2024 Fourth of July parade, Lauren Boebert celebrated her freedom by declaring her independence from fashion rules. Her parade outfit featured a little bit of leather and enough lace to make a Southern granny's fanciest tablecloth. As she has done before, Boebert showed off her killer legs in a pair of patriotic boots from Redneck Riviera, a brand created by singer John Rich. Boebert saved a horse by riding nothing. However, she did pick up a baby goat and pose for a pic.

Boebert's see-through white mini-dress was something a bride might wear for her bachelorette party, and it's mystifying why she felt it could be partnered with Western wear. In addition to her boots, she was sporting a brown felt cowboy hat. Her look was the fashion equivalent of slathering buttercream frosting between the halves of two buttermilk biscuits.

One of Boebert's Facebook followers didn't think her ensemble looked very expensive. "Wish or Temu?" they asked. It wasn't the only snarky question her clothing inspired. Another was, "Did you look in the mirror before you left home?" A third fashion critic wrote of the confusing ensemble, "You look like a clown in cowboy boots." If Boebert moonlighted as a rodeo clown and wore that outfit, the bulls wouldn't know whether to chase her out of the arena or offer her a cup of tea.

She flashed her midriff at work

In January 2024, Lauren Boebert wore a black belly shirt to work. This would have been fine if she were wearing the right style of jacket over it. However, her houndstooth blazer featured a single button closure, and because the garment had such a snug fit, it was straining to do its job. This created a gap at the bottom that revealed a sliver of Boebert's bare stomach.

Now, her minor wardrobe malfunction probably wouldn't have raised much of a ruckus if it weren't for her past comments about dressing appropriately on the House and Senate chamber floors. "Boebert is on the hill with her naked gut hanging out but jabs Fetterman for his 'unbecoming' fashion choice," wrote a user on X, formerly known as Twitter, about her apparent apparel hypocrisy. This alluded to tweets Boebert made about Democratic Senator John Fetterman of Pennsylvania wearing hoodies and other athleisure attire to work. "It's truly unbecoming for someone to show up like that to any job, let alone a job that only 100 people are elected to do," read her social media scolding. "There's just no excuse for it."

Boebert scored a win when the Senate decided to adopt an official, formal dress code. However, some of the comments about her belly-baring outfit were brutal. One person brought up Boebert dropping out of school as a teen. "Her message is 'I got it I flaunt it' like a high school mean girl," they wrote. "Congress isn't high school which she doesn't seem to know. Well she should have finished high school if she wanted the experience of it."

Her flashy frock that wasn't family-friendly

In 2023, Lauren Boebert was not on her best behavior during a date night at the Buell Theatre in Denver. While she seemed like she was having a blast watching the "Beetlejuice" musical, she ensured that the audience members around her had a miserable experience by vaping and being a noisy nuisance, according to The Denver Post. A pregnant woman who had the misfortune of being seated beside Boebert said that the congresswoman called her a "sad and miserable person" when she complained about the vaping.

Surveillance footage backed up the reports about Boebert's bothersome antics and gave critics something else to ridicule: her attire. She was wearing a gold bodycon dress with a low neckline that she had to yank up as she was escorted out of the theater for refusing to behave herself. The fit of the sinking bust wasn't the only issue with the garment. "You can see right through it. She unfortunately did not wear lighter colored underwear," one person observed. Another tweeted, "Jesus Christ, someone hand her a shawl ... that dress does not fit her and looks so cheap. I'm all for ppl wearing what they want but c'mon ppl, it's gotta fit to look classy."

If the whole political thing doesn't work out for Boebert, one X user had a suggestion for where she could take her talent for troublemaking and her tacky wardrobe. "Looks like she's auditioning for Housewives," they quipped.

Lauren Boebert's divine denim and deadly accessory

Lauren Boebert is the type who enjoys stickin' it to the libs by flaunting her love of firearms. In 2021, she and her four sons gathered around the Christmas tree to pose for a festive photo with a twist that many of her critics found sinister and disturbing: the boys were holding semi-automatic weapons. Boebert also used to frequently wear a holstered gun on the campaign trail. Usually, it was strapped around the thigh of one of her many pairs of skinny jeans.

In a 2020 Instagram photo, Boebert is sporting her favorite accessory with a throwback combo: distressed skinnies and a cowl-neck top. Her leopard-print stilettos with pointy toes are further evidence that she can't let go of the fashion era that gave us "Twilight," Lady Gaga's emergence on the pop scene, and the Obama presidency. To give her outfit some professional flair, she completed it with a cropped black blazer with a buckle closure.

Some people on X noticed something about the frayed holes located on the front pockets of Boebert's jeans: They resembled crosses. "Love the 'holey' jeans," one person tweeted. "That gun on her hip is who she really is; it is the crosses rubbed into the hips of the jeans that are fraudulent and do not belong," another naysayer commented. Boebert was photographed giving a speech in front of a cream-colored stage curtain which just happened to match her top. This didn't escape the notice of her critics, one of whom quipped, "How did she get the curtains under her sweater?"