Trump's Former Lawyer Spills How He Really Feels About His Kids (Spoiler: It's Brutal)

Donald Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen was once known as the ex-president's "fixer," so he was someone Donald in whom had to place an enormous amount of trust. According to Cohen, his former client also dished a lot of dirt about his own kids, and let's just put it this way: Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump wouldn't be purchasing any "World's Greatest Dad" koozies to keep their pop's Diet Cokes chilly if they heard what Donald purportedly said about them.

Body language expert Traci Brown, CSP, exclusively told Nicki Swift that Melania Trump was lying when she called Donald a "family man" during an interview with "Fox & Friends." Cohen agreed that the former first lady was telling a whopper. "These are Donald's words: that Don Jr. has the worst f***ing judgment of anyone he's ever met in his life; Ivanka he wants to sleep with; Eric, he really doesn't say anything other than Eric has his spatial understanding," he said on "Political Beatdown."

Cohen added that any calls Donald got from his youngest daughter, Tiffany Trump, were met with an eye-roll. Even so, Cohen said Tiffany got to spend more time with Donald than his youngest son, Barron Trump, who has a rather strange relationship with his father. Donald's kids have also shared some anecdotes that don't paint him in the best light. 

Donald Trump's parenting fails

Donald Trump actually seemed to take pride in how little involvement he had in his children's lives in a 2004 New York magazine profile. "I know friends who leave their business so they can spend more time with their children, and I say, 'Gimme a break!'" he said. On "Political Beatdown," Cohen said that the Trump kids had a closer relationship with their family's driver Vinnie than they did with their father when they were growing up. "When Donald wanted to fire Vinnie, they all stepped up and they said 'If you do we're actually leaving. It's the one thing that we will not let you do,'" Cohen recalled.

When Donald did spend time with his kids, he didn't always set the best example for them. There's been a lot of gossip about how Donald cheats at golf, and his kids confirmed that he's not above cheating to win. Eric Trump told New York magazine that his dad once attempted to knock him down during a ski race. Eric was only 10 when Donald risked injuring him just so he could gloat. Ivanka Trump had her own ski story. "We were racing," she recalled. "I was ahead, and he reached his ski pole out and pulled me back."

Donald's parenting didn't improve much when his kids got older. In an interview with Extra, Donald Trump Jr. recalled giving his dad a monogrammed gift for Christmas. A year later, Donald Jr. received that same exact item as a present from his oh-so-thoughtful father. Donald made his own argument against Melania's claim that he's a "family man" by confessing that he leaves a lot to be desired in one area. "I'm a really good father," he said to New York magazine, "but not a really good husband."