Signs Sam And Aaron Taylor-Johnson's Marriage May Not Last

Aaron and Sam Taylor-Johnson have an us-against-the-world type of marriage. Instead of celebrating their relationship with fans, they've spent years defending it against public scrutiny. But despite the constant side-eye they've been getting, the couple has impressively managed to stay together. Then again, while they insist their relationship is rock solid, there are hints that their marriage may not endure in the long run.

Their relationship kicked off in 2008 when Aaron, fresh off his 18th birthday, auditioned for "Nowhere Boy," Sam's directorial debut. At the time, Sam was 42 and recently separated from her ex, Jay Jopling. Aaron got the role, but he also had his sights set on something — or rather, someone — else. By the time they finished filming, he had dropped down on one knee, despite the fact they hadn't even gone on a single date."We were very professional through the entire film ... But everyone on set knew. And as soon as we finished, he told me he was going to marry me. We had never been on a date, or even kissed," Sam shared with Harper's Bazaar. The couple eventually tied the knot in 2012 (Aaron even took her last name) after already welcoming two daughters, Wylda Rae and Romy Hero. But even after all these years, the scrutiny over their relationship — particularly their 24-year age gap — hasn't let up. To Aaron and Sam, though, the difference in age is irrelevant. "I don't really analyze our relationship," Aaron told Mr. Porter. "I just know that it works. I just feel secure and loved and safe. We have this very deep connection. We're just in sync."

But are they really? While they keep selling the world on their picture-perfect love, fans are still convinced there's a breakup down the line.

Aaron was spotted without his wedding ring

The biggest red flag that Aaron and Sam Taylor-Johnson's relationship might be hitting a rough patch? Aaron was spotted in September 2024 without his wedding ring — something that's completely out of character for a guy who's made a habit of publicly praising his wife. Sure, it was just a casual outing, and he probably didn't realize he was being photographed, but the missing ring didn't go unnoticed.

Naturally, fans wasted no time speculating that the couple was headed for a split, with some even celebrating the idea of Aaron becoming single. "I used to pray for times like this. I've been a fan since 2011 when he was just Aaron Johnson so I have been waiting for him to be free for a good decade and a half," one fan on Reddit wrote, with another quipping, "He had been FREED." And, of course, the old allegations of Sam grooming Aaron resurfaced, with one commenter adding, "He's getting closer to the age she was when she started grooming him, and I wonder if that's giving him any perspective on the situation."

The couple, for their part, has stayed mum on the rumors, and for now they still appear to be happily married. And despite all the rumors, Aaron doesn't seem to think there's anything wrong with their marriage, nor does he regret tying the knot early. "You're doing something too quickly for someone else? I don't understand that," he told Rolling Stone U.K. "What speed are you supposed to enjoy life at? It's bizarre to me."

They have been the subject of endless scrutiny from the get-go

With practically the entire internet praying for Aaron and Sam Taylor-Johnson's marriage to implode, you'd think the constant scrutiny would have them cracking by now, right? After all, we've seen Hollywood couples buckle under less — just look at Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez. So, with the haters coming in left and right, it wouldn't be a stretch to imagine the pressure getting to them, especially with both Aaron and Sam living their lives in the public eye.

But according to the Taylor-Johnsons, they've learned to shut it all out and mind their business. Speaking to The Guardian, Sam revealed she's not even remotely interested in online drama because, to her, it doesn't have value whatsoever. "It's just there, but it doesn't mean anything. It is just people upset with their own sadness, with misgivings about their own life," she said, adding that the backlash rolls right off their kids' shoulders, too. "Not really. Or, if so, I don't think they care. They see two loving, happy parents, so it doesn't really register. They just think people are a bit mean, or mad."

She did admit, though, that they're not entirely immune to the scrutiny, but what's important to her and her family is that they get to keep their heads down and stay grounded. "There are times where it's uncomfortable," she confessed to The Hollywood Reporter. "Most of the time we zone it out and stay pretty private. We tend to retreat. Kids and school runs keep you pretty grounded."

According to an expert, their age gap isn't an issue — it's the possible power imbalance

To get a better grip on Aaron and Sam Taylor-Johnson's marriage — and whether or not they can truly stand the test of time — Nicki Swift consulted Susan Winter, relationship expert and bestselling author of "Breakup Triage: The Cure for Heartache." Turns out, the whole "age is just a number" mantra they've been preaching isn't the issue at all. According to Winter, the real challenge isn't their age gap but the power dynamics in their relationship.

"The issue at hand is one of power, not age. Whenever a couple experiences one partner's dramatic rise in power, it throws off the established balance. This happens in a good number of relationships," she explained in an exclusive interview. "Younger men are attracted to their older partner's power. It's part of the package they find so compelling; power, success, confidence, and a no games approach to love."

But as Winter pointed out, power is a tricky thing, and when it starts to falter, that's when the trouble begins. If a couple's foundation isn't rooted in genuine love, things can go south fast, eventually leading to divorce. "If the older woman's other estimable attributes remain intact, the partnership continues as before. If her success, confidence, and power wane, it challenges the relationship," she added. "The enduring cohesive factor must be Love; a love that transcends the ups and downs within the relationship's fluctuating dynamics."

But contrary to what everyone thinks, they weren't 'doomed' from the get-go

What's even more intriguing about Aaron and Sam Taylor-Johnson's relationship is that it's far from the doomed love story everyone seems to assume it is. According to relationship expert Susan Winter, their marriage wasn't built on a fragile foundation — it's actually quite the opposite. Winter describes it as being "forged in fire" and made even stronger by the relentless criticism they've faced.

"This has not been an 'easy' relationship. It's been controversial from the beginning. Due to society's inherent double standard and ageism, this couple had to fight criticism from the start," Winter continued, noting that the fact that they had managed to drown out the noise is nothing short of impressive and is a testament to their dedication in keeping their marriage intact. "Do you know how hard it is to maintain a healthy relationship when the entire world is judging your love? These are two incredibly strong individuals. They live by their own code and ignore society's shortsightedness and shallow assertions."

But with practically everyone and their mother thirsting after Aaron these days, the real test might be for him to keep temptations at bay and stick with the marriage. "Aaron's desirability factor is off the charts. Between his meteoric rise over the last few years and his chiseled physique — there will be many temptations coming his way," said Winter. "Now it's a question of what he wants, as the choices before him are staggering."

But they may stand the test of time if they don't let public perception affect them

If you're still clinging to the dream that Aaron and Sam Taylor-Johnson will eventually call it quits, you might want to get comfortable — it could be a long wait, and by long, we mean probably for eternity. As long as the couple remains laser-focused on ignoring the haters, Susan Winter believes they're in it for the long haul.

"When an older woman partners with a younger man, some element of the public will always be judgmental. Remember, humans hate what they can't understand. The first impulse is to destroy anything that looks 'different.' We have centuries of this with same-sex and interracial couples who've also had to fight for their love," Winter explained to Nicki Swift. "Society evolves far more slowly than the individual."

What's more, Winter noted that if Aaron's fans are truly rooting for him, maybe they should consider being supportive of his actual life choices —including his marriage, even if it's to someone who doesn't fit their idea of Aaron's ideal partner. "I've read numerous articles that claim a large proportion of Aaron's fanbase disapprove of his relationship. This baffles me. How can one claim to be a fan, yet not support his romantic choices?" Winter said. "Let's say their relationship ends. Would it be fair to say that it failed? These two individuals withstood 16 years of external criticism, and yet, they remained together. That's success."