Donald Trump Confirms He & Melania Are So Disconnected In Embarrassing Slip-Up

The mystery of what's going on with Donald Trump's marriage continues to deepen. While he's made countless campaign stops since announcing his third presidential bid, Melania Trump has been largely absent from his political events. She did put in an appearance at the RNC but then did another disappearing act. However, Donald seems unfazed by her disinterest in standing by his side while he woos voters. He even plugged her memoir during a campaign rally in New York — before making an embarrassing admission about the book.

Donald got the crowd to cheer by mentioning Melania but wasn't the best salesperson for her memoir. "I hope she said good things about [me]," he said. After admitting that he hasn't yet read it, he continued, "Go out and buy it, it's great. And if she says bad things about me, I'll call you all up and I'll say, 'Don't buy it. Get rid of it.'" So, how does Donald know that the book is "great" if he's so clueless about its contents? It's also odd that he and Melania apparently had zero discussions about what she planned on writing about him and their marriage — there's clearly a disconnect there. Also, that's a lot of phone calls to make if Melania does badmouth him.

It's easy to imagine Donald obsessing over any mentions he gets in the memoir because he worries so much about his image — which was evidenced by what he said next at the rally.

How Melania Trump soothes Donald Trump's ego

It's possible that Donald and Melania Trump communicate so little these days that he never got a chance to offer his input when she was writing her book or even ask for an advance copy of it, but he swears that he and his wife have discussed something that's very important to him: crowd sizes. "I'd call up my wife and I'd say, baby, who could draw crowds — nobody could draw crowds like me, nobody. Not even close. I'm the greatest of all time, maybe greater even than Elvis because Elvis had a guitar ... I don't have the privilege of a guitar," he said. It's unclear how much of this he supposedly said to his wife and how much of it was him losing his train of thought and bragging to the crowd.

According to Donald, Melania agrees that he's awesome but does give him some critical feedback, which makes his anecdote seem a bit more believable. However, he didn't specify when he and his wife had the conversation he was recounting. "I'd say, 'How great was the speech?' Not how good, how great was it, and she'd say, 'It was good but your hair looked terrible tonight.'"

For all his boasting about crowd sizes, there's one person Donald just can't get to show up at his rallies, and while his fans might enjoy hearing stories about his wife, it has to be awkward for Donald to make excuses for Melania's absence.