We Gave Trump's Sons The JD Vance Eyeliner Look & We Can't Look Away

After Donald Trump called up JD Vance to be his running mate in the 2024 presidential election, the instant surge of attention put all eyes on the Ohio senator's ... well, eyes. Thanks to the dark, smoky appearance, Vance has been accused of wearing eyeliner and even makeup artists are convinced that's the most likely explanation. The look has become such a signature staple that our Static Media photo team decided to see what Vance looks like without eyeliner, and let's just say people will stop thinking he's Adam Lambert's weird older brother. Unfortunately, we didn't stop there.

After toying around with giving Donald Trump the JD Vance eyeliner treatment, the Static Media photo team turned its attention to the former president's sons. All three of them to be exact. We gave Barron, Eric, and Don Jr. the darkened eye look, and as you'll see, the results were all over the map.

Barron Trump

First up is Barron Trump, which wasn't easy because Donald's youngest son is rarely photographed in public. His mom, Melania Trump, has kept him tightly under wraps for most of his life. Although, at the time of writing, he just started his freshman year at New York University, so that could quickly change as he ventures out into the world.

One thing we noticed is that Barron already has surprisingly thick, dark eyelashes and brows, no doubt from Melania's genes. Adding the JD Vance eyeliner darkened his eyes even more and made his overall face less muted, giving Barron a gothic look. His cheekbones appear more sunken and prominent, and he wouldn't look out of place brooding in a Victorian mansion over why he's not allowed to meet other people. He has poetry to share with them, mother. Dark, tortured poetry...

Eric Trump

Could we have used a less angry photo of Eric Trump? Probably. Donald Trump's second oldest son got hit with the blonde genes from both directions: His father and his mother, the late Ivana Trump. Even with the attempts at a beard, Eric has the fairest features of Donald's son, and he benefitted the least from the JD Vance eyeliner treatment.

Unlike Barron, Eric's features did not darken as the eyeliner barely stood a chance on such a pale canvass. It's a miracle we can't see right through his skin. The most we can say is that the Vance treatment made Eric's eyes a little more pronounced and actually capable of butterfly kisses that won't be all lid. You never want all lid.

Donald Trump Jr.

Donald Trump Jr. always has an amped look up about him, and hitting him with the JD Vance eyeliner look only added to that effect. Like Barron, the eyeliner darkened Don Jr.'s feature (Sorry, Eric.), but the drawback is he looks like he just hung out with Charlie Sheen before raiding the Maybelline from Kimberly Guilfyole's purse.

Considering Donald Trump Sr. and JD Vance already have a fraught relationship that saw Trump admit during his first debate with Kamala Harris that he rarely talks with his own running mate, we highly doubt the Trump boys will lean into the whole eyeliner look. Although, it kind of worked with Barron, right? We did not expect that.