Lip Reader Tells Us What Kamala Uttered When Trump Hogged Debate Mic For Bizarre Chip Rant

Former President Donald Trump repeatedly overtalked Vice President Kamala Harris during their first debate ahead of the 2024 presidential election. While the former president delivered up a slew of unforgettable soundbites, one moment in particular roused interest from not only from viewers, but Harris herself. During a convo about Trump's dealings with China during his presidency, Harris said (via CNBC), "Let's be clear that the Trump administration resulted in a trade deficit, one of the highest we've ever seen in the history of America." While discussing semiconductor chips necessary to power various technological devices, Harris accused Trump of putting China at an advantage by selling them American-made chips. "Under Donald Trump's presidency, he ended up selling American chips to China to help them improve and modernize their military."

In response, Trump went on a lengthy diatribe against Harris, who's since been endorsed by Taylor Swift, that turned personal. "First of all, they bought their chips from Taiwan," Trump said during the clip. "We hardly make chips anymore because of philosophies like they have and policies that they have." Reiterating his previous talking point accusing Harris of waffling on her personal policies before joining the presidential race, he added, "I don't say her because she has no policy. Everything that she believed three years ago and four years ago is out the window." While Harris held her tongue during Trump's time at the mic, she was caught mouthing a response to his sharp accusations. Nicki Swift reached out to professional lip reader Nicola Hickling, who analyzed her response.

Kamala Harris shut down Donald Trump's claim

Kamala Harris didn't let Donald Trump's claims about her slide during their debate. As her opponent spoke about China buying chips from Taiwan, Harris shook her head and mouthed something caught by the cameras. Thanks to professional lip reader Nicola Hickling, we know exactly what that was! "I did watch the debate between Trump and Harris ... and noticed that Harris said the following: 'Its not true, it's not true, no,'" said Hickling. Unfortunately, Harris didn't directly address Trump's claims during the debate, as the moderators pivoted to the topic of abortion access after Trump's remarks. But at least we know that Harris was able to inject somewhat of a response.

This wasn't the only moment that Harris' expression caught viewers' attention. The debate inspired outlandish, though at times disturbing, commentary from Trump, and Harris reacted much like a large swath of the viewing public. Shortly after the semiconductor debate, Trump claimed that Harris and her father were Marxists, a moment that allowed Harris to deliver one of the most meme-worthy moments of the night. As Trump spoke, Harris shadily placed her hand under her chin and watched him in disbelief, a gesture that won over many users on social media.

"Gagged him without saying anything," tweeted one user. "She really said "that's it? that's all you got?" lmaoooo," wrote another.