Lauren Boebert's Mugshot Shows How Different She Looks Without Makeup

The dark lines of Lauren Boebert's once-secret tribal tattoo might be thicker than her coal-black eyeliner, mascara, and brow liner — but not by much. Like many of the women in Donald Trump's orbit, the U.S. representative from Colorado usually slathers her makeup on thicker than the seven-layer chocolate cake that's on the menu at Mar-a-Lago. But she got caught without it at least once — when she got arrested and had to pose for a mugshot.

Boebert's shady behavior has gotten her in trouble with the law on more than one occasion. In 2016, she had a rollover accident in her truck and wound up in a ditch. Per the Colorado Times Recorder, she was charged with operating an unsafe vehicle and reckless driving. She decided to skip a court date, which is why she was later arrested and booked in Garfield County, Colorado, in February 2017. While speaking to supporters on the campaign trail in 2020, the congresswoman falsely claimed her brief jail stint was for an unpaid traffic ticket. As reported by the Colorado Times Recorder, she boasted to the crowd, "I even got a pretty mugshot out of it. Now that mug shot is being blasted everywhere to try to vilify me, to make me look like Colorado's most wanted."

If Boebert thinks she looks so good in her makeup-free mugshot, then why pile the cosmetics on now? Especially when they've caused her so much trouble.

Lauren Boebert's makeup woes

Some of the beauty issues Lauren Boebert struggles with when she starts piling on the products are pronounced marionette lines around her mouth, uneven skin texture, and foundation caking on her eyebrow hair. "That is not makeup, it's stucco!" read a reaction to a close-up shot of her heavily coated face. A lot of people seem to think that Boebert's makeup application process is like home renovation work, so if she gets voted out of Congress, maybe she can get her own totally fake HGTV series. "Holy cow, woman. Do you put your makeup on with a trowel and remove it with a sandblaster?" another critic of her handiwork tweeted.

Boebert has also discovered that makeup can wind up in the darndest places. In 2023, she tweeted a photo of a campaign staffer trying to remove a lipstick smudge from the back of her skirt. "Thanks to my amazing team, Pueblo won't see that I accidentally sat on lipstick on the drive down," she wrote.

While it looks like Boebert usually etches the outer edges of her eyebrows on with a pencil, she's not above throwing shade at one of her rivals from across the aisle for using brow makeup. During the 2022 Western Conservative Summit, Boebert joked that the temperature in the House chamber is kept low "to prevent [Nancy Pelosi's] eyebrows from melting." Boebert also mentioned Pelosi when she confessed to using Botox. During a Rumble interview (via PatriotTakes), she recalled being horrified when she was mistaken for the former House speaker by a group of students. "I'm like, 'Oh Lord; Oh, Lord. I need some Botox," she said.