The Shady Side Of Lauren Boebert Is No Secret Anymore

Lauren Boebert rose to prominence thanks to her ultraconservative rhetoric, a strategy that proved effective in her upset victory over incumbent Scott Tipton in Colorado's 2020 primary elections. However, many of her actions, past and recent, have contradicted her morals. From promoting teen pregnancy to engaging in inappropriate behavior with a man in a play marketed for children and justifying her ex-husband's lewd exposure to a minor, Boebert hasn't always been the perfect Christian.

Boebert is also no stranger to the police. Before becoming a U.S. representative, she had quite a few run-ins with the law. Her arrests that are on the public record were for misdemeanor offenses and were largely caused by her own disregard for the criminal justice system. But she previously faced serious domestic violence charges against her ex, though she was a juvenile and the case isn't on her record. Boebert's controversial side isn't restricted to her personal life.

Boebert isn't afraid to use inflammatory language against her opponents, even if it means displaying her ignorance of political history. "Kamala Harris is a Communist at heart. Her father raised her to be one. We can really boil this election down to two ideologies: Make America Great Again or Marxism," she tweeted in August 2024. It's worked for her, but her antics could also have hurt her. Following her theatre debacle, Boebert switched congressional districts in favor of one safer for Republicans. All in all, Boebert's constituents have turned a blind eye to her shady side. 

Lauren Boebert has glorified teen pregnancy

The negative effects of teen pregnancy are well-documented. So much so that the government has plans in place to prevent it. But Lauren Boebert doesn't seem to have gotten the memo. Instead, she has used her experience to glorify the phenomenon. "My mom was 18 when she had me, which inspired me to be a mother when I was 18 years old," she said during an interview with the Denver Post at the Conservative Political Action Conference in March 2023. Her tactics worked well, particularly within her own family.

In April 2023, Boebert's oldest son Tyler welcomed a son shortly after he turned 18. At the conference, the U.S. representative urged the audience to encourage their teenagers to keep their pregnancies. "Any of you who have young children who are giving life, there are some questions that pop up, there's fear that arises," she said, using her family's experience as proof that there should be nothing to fear. But her family's experience with adolescent pregnancy doesn't disprove the studies on its negative effects.

Boebert never knew the identity of her father and was raised moving from place to place as her mother switched partners. And Tyler's parenting skills have raised concerns. In January 2024, Lauren's ex-husband, Jayson, expanded his criminal history when he was arrested following a physical altercation with his son. Jayson claimed the fight was sparked by his concerns over Tyler's putting his infant son to sleep in a laundry basket full of clothes, according to the arrest warrant.

Lauren Boebert groped and was groped by a man in public

Lauren Boebert put her Christian values on display in September 2023. During a "Beetlejuice" production at Denver's Buell Theatre, Boebert allowed her date to fondle her breasts before she caressed him between the legs, TMZ reported. In addition to the groping, Boebert was also seen vaping and engaging in other disruptive behavior that resulted in the two being asked to leave the theater. Boebert's antics also displayed the hypocrisy of her political rhetoric.

Boebert is known for her attacks on Democrats' support of the LGBTQ+ community, whose policies she has likened to predatory sexual practices. "The Assistant Secretary for Health is out here trying to 'empower' children to become transgender. The word is 'groom', Richard, not empower. You're grooming them, not empowering them," she tweeted in response to a video featuring Rachel Levine, whom she deadnamed. Yet, she was the one caught engaging in sexualized activities in a play marketed for children.

Boebert apologized for her actions at the theater, citing her ideologies. "I simply fell short of my values on Sunday. That's unacceptable and I'm sorry," she said. Boebert blamed her controversial moment on her divorce, which she filed the previous May. "There's no perfect blueprint for going through a public and difficult divorce, which over the past few months has made for a challenging personal time for me and my entire family," she wrote (via the Denver Post). "I've tried to handle it with strength and grace as best I can."

Lauren Boebert justified ex's actions after exposing himself to teenager

The following includes descriptions of sexual harassment.

When Jayson Boebert was just Lauren Boebert's boyfriend in January 2004, he was arrested for exposing his genitalia to two women at a bowling alley, according to the affidavit. One of the victims was just 16 years old, while the second was 21. They told police they had been standing at the snack bar to try to get away from Jayson, whom they contended had been giving them a hard time all night.

After following them there, Jayson overheard the two women discussing their tattoos and jumped into the conversation. "I have one on my d***," he reportedly told them. To prove so, he lowered his pants. He doesn't deny doing so, but Jayson told police he used his thumb to pretend he was showing his penis. One of the women was certain she had seen his genitals and not a thumb. Jayson later pleaded guilty to public indecency and lewd exposure, according to The Denver Post.

But Lauren believes the women got what they deserved. It was the teenager who had shown interest in Jayson and kept trying to get his attention. "[Our friends] even teased her by saying he'd gotten a great tattoo in a private area, which made her curious, so she pressed Jayson to show it to her right there at the bar," Lauren wrote in her 2022 memoir, "My American Life" (via Business Insider). In her version, Jayson only pretended to show his privates. 

If you or anyone you know has been a victim of sexual assault, help is available. Visit the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network website or contact RAINN's National Helpline at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673).

Lauren Boebert has been arrested several times

During a primary debate in January 2024, Lauren Boebert admitted to having been arrested. "My arrest was just a simple traffic violation that was unpaid," she said (via the Associated Press). But she wasn't forthcoming about the full extent of her rap sheet. Boebert has also been arrested for disorderly conduct and for failing to appear in court. The first relates to an incident at the Country Jam music festival in 2015, when she confronted police arresting a group of people for underage drinking, according to Colorado Newsline.

She argued the arrests were unconstitutional because the officers had failed to read their Miranda rights. "Lauren continued yelling and causing the underage drinkers to become unruly," one of the officers wrote in the statement. The disorderly charge was later dismissed. But she was arrested again when she failed to appear in court a second time, The Denver Post reported. "It is not something I keep on the forefront of my thinking," she told the court. The first time, she argued she didn't know what day of the week it was.

The arrest relating to the traffic violation she mentioned during the debate happened shortly after. In mid-2016, she was charged with careless driving and operating an unsafe vehicle when she rolled her truck into a ditch, the Colorado Times Recorded reported. She was arrested months later after she once again failed to appear in court. The charges were dropped after she agreed to a plea deal. 

Lauren Boebert has been accused of violent behavior

The following includes descriptions of domestic violence.

Lauren Boebert may have been arrested for minor crimes in the years that preceded her political career, but she has also been accused of serious behavior. In May 2004, when she was 17, Lauren was accused of physically attacking Jayson Boebert, according to the New York Post. In addition to reportedly scratching her then-boyfriend in the face and chest, she was also accused of damaging stuff around his home. Lauren was charged with assault and criminal mischief in the third degree and underage drinking.

Because Lauren was a minor, the outcome of her case is not accessible to the public. The Garfield County Combined Court also refused to share any details, so it is unclear what happened with the charges. That wasn't the only time she was accused of using violence against Jayson. When the exes met to discuss some personal business at a restaurant in Silt, Colorado, in January 2024, they ended up in a public fight that required police involvement, the Associated Press reported.

In his statement to the police, Jayson claimed Lauren put her hands on him. However, his version ended up being false. "[I] didn't punch Jayson in the face and no one was arrested. I will be consulting with my lawyer about the false claims he made against me and evaluate all of my legal options," she said in a press statement. Jayson later took his accusations back, and Lauren was cleared in the investigation, the Associated Press noted. 

If you or someone you know is dealing with domestic abuse, you can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1−800−799−7233. You can also find more information, resources, and support at their website.