Where Are All The Gosselin Kids From Jon & Kate Plus 8 Now?

It feels like ages since everyone was glued to their screens, watching Jon and Kate Gosselin navigate life with eight kids in tow on "Jon & Kate Plus 8." The chaos and cuteness made for reality TV gold, and even after the show turned into "Kate Plus 8" following Jon and Kate's messy divorce, viewers couldn't get enough. But once it all ended, the spotlight shifted to the endless drama between Jon and Kate, leaving fans wondering what happened to the eight kids who were once America's favorite oversized family. The good news? The Gosselin kids are thriving in their own ways.

But life hasn't been exactly kind to the family. Estrangement has split the Gosselins, with some of the kids choosing sides — Mady, Cara Nicole, Alexis, Aaden, Leah, and Joel with Kate, and Hannah and Collin with Jon. The rift between Jon and Kate seems permanent, with Jon admitting he hasn't spoken to Kate since 2018 but holding out hope for a future reconciliation. "I don't really have a friendship with Kate," he told E! News. "I mean, I haven't talked to her since 2018. But I think things kind of work themselves out in the future."

As for the eight? They're doing pretty great, all things considered. Here's a quick lowdown of what each of them has been up to since their reality TV days.

Mady and Cara Nicole have both graduated from university and joined the workforce

Madelyn "Mady" and Cara Nicole Gosselin are all grown up and living their best adult lives. Born in October 2000, the twins had ambitious plans as teenagers: Mady initially wanted to dabble in arts, while Cara Nicole was ready to don a lab coat and explore a medical career. "I would love to perform in some way. And I feel like I could write some sort of memoir already," Mady told People as a 16-year-old. Meanwhile, Cara Nicole declared, "I want to go far away. And I want to be a doctor."

But life had different plans for the sisters. The two headed off to separate universities, with Mady having chased her artistic dreams at Syracuse University, where she snagged a degree in English, Film, Screen Studies, and Art History. As of this writing, she's thriving as a commercial coordinator for Bubble, a beauty brand, managing accounts for various retailers. Cara Nicole didn't quite make it to med school, but she's still a STEM professional through and through. She studied mathematics and economics at Fordham University and has been crunching numbers as a financial analyst for Bank of America since July 2023.

Despite taking different paths than they initially planned, both are thriving in New York City. And their dad couldn't be prouder. "They're healthy, wealthy, and they have a career, so I can't really complain," he shared in his E! News interview. "And I think we did a really good job getting them there."

Hannah launched her own beauty brand

Hannah Gosselin has followed her older sister's footsteps and joined the beauty industry, too — except that she skipped a few rungs and launched her very own beauty brand before even stepping foot in college. "I am dropping a product line, and it is a bunch of skincare, and I'm very excited about it," she shared with ET in 2022, the same year she turned 18. "I've always had this big dream of being the business manager. I want to own my own business and succeed because of me."

And succeed she did. Within that same year, Gosselin Girl was born, offering all sorts of goodies like organic face masks, plant-based oil serums, and beauty accessories. "Thank you Dad for being my biggest support," Hannah wrote on Instagram upon the launch of the brand.

But just because she's become a girl boss at an early age doesn't mean she's off the hook for homework. According to InTouch Weekly, Hannah is also juggling her studies in business at the University of Miami, no doubt learning the ins and outs of entrepreneurship to expand her brand or perhaps even explore more business ventures in the future. We can't wait to see what else she has up her sleeve!

Collin tried joining the military

Collin Gosselin, arguably the most controversial out of all the Gosselin siblings, had his sights set on becoming a United States Marine after graduating high school. But life threw him a curveball when he was unexpectedly discharged due to a part of his past that came back to haunt him. In an interview with ET in August 2024, Collin explained that everything was going smoothly until the Marines discovered he had once been enrolled in a mental health institution. "I was towards the end of training, very close to graduating. The paperwork was looked into, and they found out that I was, in fact, in an institution at one point in my life. And see, they don't need any deeper reason," he explained.

Collin has made it clear that he believes being placed in institutions was unnecessary — a decision made by his mother, Kate Gosselin, for reasons he still questions to this day. "I came to the conclusion that everybody has their own agenda, you know?" he shared in a previous interview with the outlet. "My mom had her own agenda, and I don't know exactly what that was. But I was put in a tough spot, and my agenda was to make it out on top of that tough spot."

Despite the setback, Collin isn't giving up on his dream of becoming a U.S. Marine. He's currently working on an appeal to get reinstated, and in the meantime, he's planning to study finance at Pennsylvania State University. "I have very few other wishes in life that would top being a United States Marine," he said.

Leah seems to be thriving in college

Leah Gosselin might not have continued the reality TV route, but she's carving out her own little corner of the internet by sharing snippets of her life with over 32,000 TikTok followers — and counting. While she's pretty secretive about where she's studying and what she's majoring in, her content gives us plenty of glimpses into her day-to-day college life and her time with friends. Given her childhood aspirations, there's a good chance her studies might have something to do with education. After all, 9-year-old Leah once told People she dreamed of being both a teacher and a baker. "I want to teach little kids, and then I'll work in Hannah's bakery," she shared at the time.

Whether or not the sister-run bakery is still in the cards remains to be seen (they're still on good terms, FYI), but Leah's love for baking is alive and well. Her mom, Kate Gosselin, once proudly showed off a "flag cake" Leah baked for the Fourth of July, and Leah often posts her creations on TikTok — think chai cookies, creme pies, cupcakes, fruit flans, and baklavas. In 2023, Leah even made a birthday cake for Kate out of her favorite fruit, complete with a sweet message that she posted on her page: "Lemon desserts always make me think of you!! Happy (belated) Birthday Mommy."

Alexis, Aaden, and Joel have mostly kept their lives away from social media

As for the rest of the Gosselin sextuplets? They have been notably more lowkey, choosing to stay under the radar. Alexis, Aaden, and Joel appear to have no public Instagrams and TikToks like their siblings, leaving fans curious about what they're up to. Fortunately, their mom is more than happy to fill in the blanks. She's kept everyone in the loop with little updates like Aaden being the last to ditch his braces and the three becoming adults, much to her dismay. "No more teenagers in this house! Happy 20th birthday, my forever babies!" Kate wrote. "I love you! Who feels old? I know I do!" It's probably safe to assume they're in college now — Joel's LinkedIn profile (his only public social media account) even reveals he's studying accounting and business management at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, with plans to graduate in 2027.

Even though they've chosen a more private life, their big sister Mady set the record straight for anyone worried about them. In a since-deleted TikTok video, she reassured fans that her siblings are doing just fine despite the drama surrounding their parents. "Regardless of whatever narrative you've created in your head from what you've seen, my siblings are doing so well," she shared (via Today). "They are all amazing people. They are all smart. They are all kind. They're driven students. They're working hard. They're funny. They're stylish."