How Many Languages Does Barron Trump Speak? We Sorted Out The Gossip

Still a teenager, the youngest son of former president Donald J. Trump, Barron Trump, has lived a life larger than most, complete with lavish homes, fabulous rides aboard Trump Force One, and a top-notch education at only the finest institutions. (More on all the prestigious schools Barron has attended here.) Fortunately, it appears all of that pricey formal education has paid off tenfold. "A very young man who's now going to college. Got into every college he wanted to and he made his choice. And he's a very good guy, I'll tell you ... He's a very special guy, Barron Trump," the proud papa bear gushed to a crowd of supporters at a rally in Doral, Florida in July, Newsweek noted.

Perhaps, however, it's Barron's mastery of several foreign languages that really helped pave the way for all of those acceptance letters. It's often been rumored that the former president's son is fluent in many different languages. We took the liberty of sorting through the gossip — and it seems he only knows two.

Melania Trump taught Barron Trump Slovenian

A throwback video of a young Barron Trump circulating all over social media has gotten everyone talking! As evidenced by the footage from a past "Larry King Live" episode, a four-year-old Barron was overheard speaking with a Slovenian accent. "Hi, Larry," the precocious boy said, addressing the television host. "I like my suitcase," he squealed as he jumped around his father's office. "I have to go to school now?" he later asked his mother, Melania Trump, to which his mother replied, "Yeah, you will have lunch, and then you go to school." 

But does Barron actually speak Slovenian? As you may recall, Melania moved from Slovenia to the United States in 1996 to pursue a career in modeling. From model to first lady and beyond! In 2016, the future first lady told People that she was teaching Barron both English and Slovenian at home. She also said that Barron often spoke with his maternal grandmother over the phone in their native tongue. Still, Melania was adamant that she wholeheartedly agreed with her husband when it came to his stance on foreign languages. "My opinion is that more languages you speak, better it is, but, but when you come to America, you speak English," she maintained. Be that as it may, reporter and biographer Mary Jordan reported in "The Art of Her Deal: The Untold Story of Melania Trump" that "Trump has complained to others that he has no idea what they are saying." Awkward.

Barron Trump speaks English and Slovenian

Contrary to popular belief, however, there is no evidence that Barron Trump is fluent in anything but English and Slovenian. Alas, this appears to be an ongoing theme within the Trump family. "I speak a few languages," Melania proudly declared during a 2016 interview with MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski. "English, Italian, French, German," she rattled off.

Melania caught some serious flack in 2019 when she was observed using translation headphones to hear Emmanuel Macron, the president of France, speak at the G7 Summit. Even Melania's former senior advisor and friend turned foe Stephanie Winston Wolkoff weighed in on the debacle, tweeting, "I spent a lot of time with Melania Trump and I never once heard her speak in French, not even to her French-American stylist." (More on how much money Melania's fashion advisor makes here.)

Within the confines of her biography about Melania Trump, author Mary Jordan also noted several times in past interviews in which Melania claimed to speak many different languages. According to Jordan, however, it seems that the former first lady only knows two — English and Slovenian — just like Barron. There ya have it, folks!