We Wanted To See Ivanka Trump With A Kimberly Guilfoyle Makeover, So We Made It Happen

Not too long ago, we asked Static Media's photo editor to give Kimberly Guilfoyle an Ivanka Trump-inspired makeover, and let's just say the results were mind-blowing. However, we couldn't help but wonder how it would look if we did things the other way around. So, once again, our in-house photo editor worked their magic — and, once again, our jaws dropped at the exclusive mock-up. 

Like we've said in the past, Ivanka and her future sister-in-law have vastly different aesthetics. Where Guilfoyle is partial to a full face of makeup and big hair, Donald Trump's oldest daughter typically opts for low-key glam. In fact, she once told the now-defunct My Morning Routine that she preferred to spend as little time on her makeup for the day as possible, telling the online magazine that she could get it done in as little as eight minutes. 

Something tells us Guilfoyle's signature look takes a little (read: a lot) more than that. In fact, unfortunately for the former Fox reporter, Guilfoyle's fondness for a full face has often led to some embarrassing makeup moments. Even so, we were curious to see how Ivanka might look if she took a leaf out of her brother's fiancee's book, hair and makeup-wise. Take a deep breath, and let's have a look. 

Major hair and makeup is just not Ivanka

With a heavier smokey eye, contoured lips and some big curls, Ivanka Trump's Kimberly Guilfoyle transformation courtesy of Static Media's photo editor was complete. And, as our exclusive look-see demonstrated, she also looked nothing like herself. Yup — while the former first daughter certainly could pull it off, the heavy makeup is just not her.

Something tells us Ivanka isn't planning on trying this IRL any time soon. After all, speaking to Hola back in 2019, her makeup artist Alexa Rodulfo explained that the only daughter of Donald and Ivana Trump had no plans to move away from her signature low-key look. Asked if she believed Ivanka may try something new, Rodulfo mused, "I don't think so ... Ivanka really is a woman who is elegant, yet at the same time casual. She does her own day-to-day makeup and hair." In addition to her preferring a more down-to-earth look, given Ivanka's stance on getting her makeup done in under 10 minutes, it's plain to see why this just wouldn't work out. 

At the end of the day, we get the feeling Ivanka likes to look like herself (and given she doesn't look too different without makeup, we're not shocked one bit!). That said, time will tell if she decides to play around with a heavier look. Who knows? Maybe Guilfoyle will even be on hand to share a few pointers (or to hold one of the many palettes as Ivanka does her thing).